December 9, 2015 UNAIDS How can the UN position itself better in a changing world? Update on UN Reform
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Why UN Reform? To achieve better impact Holistic UN strategy and operations Ease burden for partner governments Lower transaction costs Country level - MDGs as indicators Why now ? New commitment to coherent donor and UN work As ODA is increasing, UN share is not increasing proportionally 14th IDA – $34 billion in resources during the next three years for development assistance
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS The new challenge: integrating the UN’s operational activities Security / “Peace-keeping” Development Assistance e.g. UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA e.g. WHO, UNESCO, FAO e.g. HCR e.g. DPKO Political Missions e.g. WFP MDBs “Neutrality” “Participation”“Politics/Power” UNDG e.g. OCHA
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS UN Operational Activities at Country Level Four Scenarios More efficient, effective synergies between independent agencies Strategic UN alignment with operational hosting Most agencies end country operations Merger into one UN at country level
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Key challenges Global trends Changing face of development Not sufficient resources for MDGs Letting process triumph over strategy Moving at speed of slowest and consensual decision making Fragmented UN agency governance Operational issues such as proprietary policies, systems & tools Clumsy, heavy reform initiatives Agency mandates and identity Afraid of losing visibility - and $$ Not really thinking together as “one UN”
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Key reports / declarations Millennium Declaration SG’s Reform Agenda Greentree Agenda Paris (and Rome) Declarations Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review Volcker Report MDG driven development agenda “In larger freedom” – overhaul UN system Donor commitment National ownership and alignment to national plans, UNDAF Harmonization among the donors Manage for results Targets and reporting on implementation of reform initiatives Combat country-level fragmentation and competition Accountability framework
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Reform in action Common framework – MD/MDG Focus on country level results Aligned with national priorities & linked to MDGs Common assessment & planning CCA can be integrated with PRSP UNDAF = joint UN / Govt response Harmonized and simplified cycles, tools and procedures Flexible cycle, 3-6 yrs Including joint programming, results matrix, CPAP, AWP … Cash transfer framework
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Country level UN planning UN projects Joint programmes CCA(/PRSP) – Common analysis and assessment Analysis around key national issues among MD & MDGs and Global Conferences National and Donor Analysis and Planning National and Donor Budgeting & Programming UNDAF – UN Common Programme
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS How do UN Agencies participate? The entire UN System participates fully in the UNDAF UNDAF priorities are the programming framework for the UN Funds and Programmes Specialized agencies are fully involved, within their mandates Important technical activities outside the UNDAF priority areas may be included in an annex
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Reform in action RC system Thinking and planning together for national priorities RC authority for design and implementation of UNDAF Accountability for UNDAF outcomes Managed by UNDP; guided by UNDG; led by empowered & properly resourced RCs Rationalizing UN presence & Reducing transaction cost 58 UN houses, Hosting arrangements, Joint Offices Common services, Harmonize agency policies in operational areas
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Draft RC & UNCT Accountabilities for UNDAF Agency Reps Agency Mgmt UNCT UNICEF RD UNFPA RD WFP RD UNICEF Rep UNFPA Rep WFP Rep UNDP RD UNDP CD Regional Team UNDG ExCom CEB UNICEF UNDG Chair UNDP UNFPAWFP Secretary-General CEB Chair Agency Reps RC
December 9, 2015 UNAIDS Accountabilities – Joint Office Agency Reps Agency Mgmt UNCT UNICEF RD UNFPA RD WFP RD UNICEF SPO UNFPA SPO WFP SPO UNDP RD UNDP SPO Regional Team UNDG ExCom CEB UNICEFUNFPAWFP Secretary-General CEB Chair Agency Reps RC JO Head