Designing a Treatment and Rehabilitation Programme SPORTS INJURIES SPORTS INJURIES Designing a Treatment and Rehabilitation Programme
ASSIGNMENT BY 18/05/12 Assignment 3 Design a safe and appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programme for two common sports injuries. Evaluate the programme designed justifying the choices and suggesting alternatives where necessary. (P6,M3,D2)
Designing the Programme Follow the Phases Treatment Phase Non-weight bearing exercises Exercises to improve strength and flexibility Agility drills to improve strength and Co-ordination Return to normal patterns of training
A Progressive Model for Rehabilitation A week – Several Years Adapted, by permission, from J. Hertel and C.R. Denegar, 1998, “A rehabilitation paradigm for restoring neuromuscular control following athletic injury,” Athletic Therapy Today 3 (5): 13-14.
Treatment methods PRICED SALTAPS Limb supports Electrotherapy Manual Therapy Taping Bandaging Splints Heat Packs Tubigrip Limb supports Medical referral Pain Sprays Anti – inflammatories Antibiotics Ice cube massage Hot/cold treatments Heat Lamps
Activity Considerations Principles for activity selection Individuality of athlete, sport and injury Should be positive (no increase in symptoms should occur) Orderly progressive program should be utilized Variety – avoid monotony, but don’t cause confusion Vary exercise techniques used Alter the program at regular intervals Maintain fitness base to avoid re-injury with return to play Set achievable goals, reevaluate, & modify regularly Use clinical, home, & on-field programs to vary activity
Task Complete Assignment 3 of the assignment Hand in date 18/05/12 Final!!!!!!!!!!!!!