Account & Gift Administration CATS November 2007 Sheila N. Decker Executive Director, Administration
Scholarship Payments Why the additional compliance review? –Ensures compliance with donor intent. –Donor stewardship reports. –Partnering with the university to ensure financial aid guidelines are being met.
Scholarship Payments IU Foundation Compliance Review Amount Number GPA High School Major Class standing Verify Scholarship Criteria Confirm current fiscal year expenditure
Scholarship Payments Helpful Hints –Scholarship selection Review GA language to ensure recipient(s) meet criteria Verify whether scholarship is renewable –Provide confirmation of criteria on check request and/or attached scholarship spreadsheet –Requesting reimbursement from IUF Submit request as soon as possible in current fiscal year
WEB SITES IQ: The IU Foundation Portal –Replaces –All affinity/benefactor/ETA- web users automatically given access –Access available to all with need to access services –Available through OneStart
IQ: The IU Foundation Portal Launched November 7 –comprehensive site for fiscal and development officers –news and updates –reports, data, queries –rollout policy/procedural changes –view Foundation account information –development information, stats and tools –ongoing development – feedback welcome
New Initiatives & Priorities Imaging E-docs Lockbox deposits