What is Science? Science – A way of learning about the natural world. Uses observation and logical reasoning. Scientific Inquiry – Refers to the various organized methods of investigating problems & answering questions (Lab Investigations). .
What is Science? Physical Science – The study of matter and energy and the changes that matter and energy undergo Skills Used By Scientists – Posing questions, making observations and inferences, developing hypotheses, and conducting experiments –
What is Science? Posing Questions – Curiosity drives scientific inquiry. Observing – Involves using all 5 senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell , & sometimes taste -
What is Science? Data – The facts, figures, and other evidence that you learn through observation. Inference – A logical conclusion based on observations or prior knowledge. (An Understanding) Hypothesis – A possible explanation for observations that relate to a scientific question
What is Science? Variables – The factors that can change during an experiment Independent Variable ( Manipulated) – The variable the scientists changes. Dependent Variable (Responding) – The condition that is expected to change because of the Independent Variables.
What is Science? Controlled Experiment – An investigation in which all variables except one (The Dependent Variable) remain the same or are controlled. Only one factor is changed. Qualitative Data – Descriptions, Sounds, Colors, or Odors – Quantitative Data – Numerical data: Numbers Measurements made using standard units (the SI or metric system) For Example: Temperature = 400 C or Speed = 100 km/sec
What is Science? Interpreting Data – Finding out what the data means by identifying patterns and trends. Conclusion – States whether your data proves your hypothesis is True or False Communicating Your Information – may be done by: a. Writing articles for journals b. Speaking at scientific meetings c. Using the Internet
What is Science? Scientific Theory – A well-tested idea that explains & connects a wide range of observations. Scientific Law – A statement that describes what scientists expect to happen given a certain set of conditions. For Ex. Gravity