Bidvest Czech Republic Slovakia 10,52 mio people km 2 Czech koruna (CZK) 5,41 mio people km 2 EUR (€)
1 Capital DE Prague CZ SK PL HU AT UA Depot Depot + Factory Depot multi-temperature CZECH REPUBLICSLOVAKIA 4 distribution depots multi-temperature 2 depots multi-temperature 2 production factoriesno factory 1600 employees180 employees Pilsen Depot
2 25 years of history – established 1990 Market leader in foodservice in both countries with full country coverage Majority of products in frozen and fresh products, minority in ambient Own factories for support of foodservice No. 2 player in ice cream business Synergy effect in former Czechoslovakia countries BIDVEST CZ and SK
CZECH REPUBLIC 3 4 depots (Pilsen, Kralupy, Velké Meziříčí, Opava) frozen pallets fresh pallets dry pallets The last depot in Pilsen opened in May Plans for 5th depot in 2017/2018. 350 distribution trucks on the road – multi-temperature distribution 75% foodservice, 25% retail (ice cream) Pilsen PRAGUE (capital)
CZECH REPUBLIC 5 Main items: fresh and frozen meat fresh and frozen fish dairy products fresh and frozen vegetable frozen potatoes products ice cream frozen bakery
CZECH REPUBLIC 6 Own factories: ice cream (the biggest in CZ + SK) pork and beef deboning fresh fish production game production frozen bakery 99% of the volume from factories goes for own distribution. ICE CREAM PRODUCTION GAME PRODUCTION →
7 CZ - BAKERY PRODUCTION fluffy mellowed filling crispy
CZECH REPUBLIC 8 Sales representatives » 45 retail sales representatives »140 foodservice sales representatives 30% orders via e-shop and call centrum The most modern gastrostudio for sales representatives schooling and customers schooling
CZECH REPUBLIC 10 High effectivity of distribution – retail and foodservice distributed altogether (one delivery to one street) The most modern IT system with influence of house made upgrade Management ownership since the beginning (5% managers, 95% Bidvest) Practically no cooperation with international catering companies (Compas, Sodexho, KFC…)
CZECH REPUBLIC 11 Target on food experts, local restaurants, hotels and hotel chains, school canteens No logistic services game meat factory kg yearly kg fresh fish production kg monthly and dispatch kg monthly ambient product % market share distribution20155% market share New projects:
CZECH REPUBLIC 12 Price policy- not the cheapest but the best in service and food support High incentive program – 30 key employees motivated on long term EBIT Potential growth – fresh vegetable (TEKOO acquisition 2014) - ambient (up to 35% market share) - growing with the local economy
S L O V A K I A 13 2 depots (Nové Mesto, Prešov) »frozen pallets »fresh pallets »dry 610 pallets 80 distribution trucks – multi-temperature 80% foodservice, 20% retail Main items are similar to Czech Republic, no factories (capital)
S L O V A K I A 14
S L O V A K I A 15 Sales representatives »25 retail sales representatives »50 foodservice sales representatives 10% orders via e-shop and call centrum Basically Slovakia is in Bidvest penetration minimally 5 years behind Czech Republic and it represents only 15% of profit. (sales volume per 1 inhabitant represents 30-50% of the volume sold in Czech Republic – a huge potential growth) In – significant investment in country and in acquisition policy - fresh fish factory - the 3rd depot - red meat factory
20 16 million people market with potential grow for next years Consolidated business in 2 countries Absolute market leader with the best logistic services foodservice clients retail clients 25 years history Food production background and distribution of the most complicated products (fresh meat, fish, dairy, vegetable) High expected economical growth in Slovakia and Czech Republic. SUMMARY - BIDVEST CZ and SK
21 BIDVEST CZ and SK CZ – PRAGUE CASTLE SK – BRATISLAVA CASTLE Looking forward to seeing you in Prague and Bratislava!