Inner Core Committee Meeting May 2, 2012 C L E A N ENERGY DIVISION
Agenda Introduction to the Clean Energy Division Past Projects Current and Upcoming Projects
Clean Energy Forum Webpage Contact lists Presence at energy events Information Hub
General Technical Assistance ARRA - EECBG assistance in Green Communities applications and reporting Revere Beverly NREL site assessment grant application Hamilton Ashland Sherborn DOER municipal utility grant application Reading
DLTA Projects in 2011 Procurement of Energy Services Company (ESCO) 14 participating communities 7 on selection committee Worked with Peregrine Energy Group
DLTA Projects in 2011 “Fatal Flaw Analysis” = Preliminary Site Assessments 7 sites (mostly landfills) Worked with Meridian Associates
1.LED Streetlight Procurement 2.ESCO Procurement (Round 2) 3.Regional Solar Project (roof-top & ground-mounted) 4.Regional Energy Manager Project 2012 DLTA Projects
Local Energy Action Program (LEAP) Year 1: Plan for Action * Set baseline and goals * Develop strategies * Build constituency and adopt plan Year 2: Take Action * Adopt policies * Design/launch programs Year 3: Maintain Action * City/Town runs sustained programs independently Mission: To help cities and towns create and implement local energy action plans over two years.
LEAP Energy Action Plan: Three Parts “Strategies” Policies Projects Programs “Goals” Energy/cost savings Renewable energy GHG reductions Jobs/Economy “Baseline” Data collection Document past work 1. Where are we now? 2. Where do we want to go? 3. How do we get there?
Round 1 LEAP Communities 1.Medford 2.Medway 3.Marlborough 4.Stoughton 5.Reading, North Reading, Wilmington, Lynnfield, and the Reading Municipal Light Department * Applications for Round 2 of LEAP will be solicited in late Summer/early Fall 2012
Energy Division Contact Information Erin BrandtHelen Aki Energy Planner, MAPC Energy Coordinator, MAPC (617) ext. 2044(617) ext