The Canadian Association of Physicists L'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes The 2010 CAP Undergraduate Lecture Tour Celebrating and promoting: LaserFest 2010: 50 th anniversary of the Laser current developments in physics physics in Canada and the CAP ! Web site:
Our institutional and corporate sponsors in celebration of the Laser’s 50 th Anniversary : Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations Elcan Optical Technologies Optech Inc. Coherent Inc. And to all of the individual CAP members and member departments who contribute to the Educational Trust Fund, which supports this tour. WITH THANKS TO:
What is the Canadian Association of Physicists? a broadly-based national network of physicists working in Canadian educational, industrial, and research settings (~ 1600 members!) a strong and effective advocacy group for support of, and excellence in, physics research and education. a sponsor & supporter of physics events & activities in Canada, including: - CAP annual congress - our journal: Physics in Canada - Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal - Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference CAP represents the voice of Canadian physicists to government, granting agencies, and international scientific societies.
Student Memberships CAP offers free memberships to undergraduate Physics students* Physics graduate students* are offered one year’s free Full membership and reduced fees in subsequent years. Careers in Physics website : Join CAP online today: * (in Canada) Student prize winners at CAP Congress 2009
The Educational Trust Fund and Activities for Students The CAP's Educational Trust Fund (ETF) is a charitable fund which supports the many activities undertaken by the CAP in support of physics education and physics student activities. The fund derives all of its income from Member donations. the annual CAP Lecture Tour the CAP High School Prize Examination the Lloyd G. Elliot University Prize Examination the Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference the Canada-Wide Science Fair the Canadian Physics Olympiad The ETF supports many activities to encourage excellent physics students, e.g.: Thank you again to our many donors! Please consider giving online today !
Professional Certification The Canadian Association of Physicists offers a professional certification program since 1999, now with over 228 members. Undergraduate students (in 3 rd and 4 th year physics or closely related programs) and graduate students are encouraged to write the Professional Certification exam, which is one of the requirements of the program. The Professional Certification exam is offered in late January in Physics departments across the country. for more information, visit : P.Phys. phys.
The 2010 CAP Undergraduate Lecture Tour With special thanks to our National and Regional Coordinators, the CAP Office, volunteer fund raisers, our individual and corporate sponsors, CAP member / host physics departments, our outstanding CAP volunteer speakers, Canadian physics student societies and YOU – our audience ! We hope you enjoy this event !