SEPTEMBER 4 Agenda: 1. Review 2. Culture 3. Cultural Ecology EQ- What is culture? How does culture affect other aspects of geography? Table of Contents: 21. Baraka Questions 22. Culture and Cultural Ecology Notes 23. Physical Processes Chart
Homework Due FRIDAY- In two complete paragraphs, explain how humans have modified the environment in the Netherlands and in South Florida. Due TUESDAY- Choose one of the following: Create a collage of images that represent your culture. Your collage must be a collection of images and pictures from the internet or magazines. Must be in color. Create an edible or 3-D replica of one of the four biomes. Write a paragraph to explain the conditions of your biome. Create a poster board with images and facts about environment modification in New Orleans and its impact on effects of Hurricane Katrina.
CULTURE The body of beliefs, material traits, and social forms that people in an area/group share Helps to answer “why” each region on Earth is unique Geographers look at: 1. What people care about (ideas, beliefs, values, customs) 2. What people take care of (ways of earning a living, obtaining food, clothing and shelter )
What people care about: What people take care of: Ideas, beliefs, values of people Language, religion and ethnicity The production of material wealth Food, clothing, shelter, art Political institutions
MDC- More Developed Countries LDC- Less Developed Countries Regions include North America, Europe, Japan Possession of wealth and material goods is higher Manufacturing or service jobs Regions include sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, East Asia, South Asia, SE Asia, Latin America Possession of wealth and material goods is lower Agriculture jobs
CULTURAL ECOLOGY Cultural Ecology- the study of human-environment relationships Humber and Ritter- geographers that came up with environmental determinism- the idea that the physical environment caused us to socially develop the way that we have Possibilism- environment may limit human activities, but we can adjust to the environment Ex: choose the crops to grow in a particular climate
Climate 1.Define climate 2.Which geographer is associated with climate? 3.Identify Koppen’s five main climate regions and explain the division of subtypes. 4.Give at least three ways climate impacts human activities. Vegetation 1.Define vegetation 2.Define biomes 3.Identify and describe the four main biomes. Soil 1.Define soil and soil orders. 2.What are human geographers concerned with? 3.Explain the problems faced with erosion and nutrient depletion. Landforms 1.Define landforms 2.How do landforms affect human settlement? 3.How do geographers use “topos”? 4.Define relief 5.Define slope