ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators Report from the chairman M. Krammer HEPHY, Vienna, Austria July 24, 2014RECFA DESY1
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators July 24, 2014RECFA DESY2 Report will be given in plenary ECFA meeting. Here is a list of issues we should discuss and decide: Country Visits Summary Matters from the EPS-HEPP Board RECFA Country Visits 2015 PECFA Meetings 2015 Call for nomination for the next ECFA chairperson
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators ECFA High Luminosity LHC Experiments Workshop: Physics and technology challenges July 24, 2014RECFA DESY3 2 nd Workshop: Oct. 2014, Aix-les-Bains, F HL-LHC construction included in CERN medium-term plan approved by the CERN Council in June 2014!
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators RECFA visit to Israel July 24, 2014RECFA DESY4 Second visit to Israel, first after Israel became full CERN member state Outstanding science culture, investments into science among the highest in the world (per GDP) outcome also exceptional Concentrate experimental effort on ATLAS very visible contributions (construction, operation, upgrade), prestigious leadership positions Strong detector R&D at Tel Aviv University, the Technion, and the Weizmann Institute Very large and productive groups in theory and phenomenology, several Israeli theorists are leading figures in their field Issues discussed: Benefit from new status as full CERN member (e.g. strengthening the accelerator R&D programme), increase of career opportunities for young scientists April 10, 2014
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators RECFA visit to Germany July 24, 2014RECFA DESY5 Strong effort by the government to achieve the investment goal of 3% GDP in research and development Complementary funding schemes: Verbundforschung, Helmholtz Association, the Max-Planck-Society, Universities Excellent coverage of the field of particle and astro-particle physics high visibility in all projects and leading role of physicists Positive development towards funding of HL- LHC upgrade projects Accelerator and detectors R&D very strong in Germany major contributions to ILC, XFEL,.. Outreach activity is exemplary and highly professional Issues discussed: maintaining the necessary computing capability, number of permanent research positions at universities (Mittelbau) May 9, 2014
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators EPS-HEPP Board July 24, 2014RECFA DESY6 Next joint ECFA - EPS-HEPP session during the EPS conference in 2015 (Vienna July 25) Our proposal for the theme of the session “Connecting scales” was discussed in the EPS-HEPP Board. New (modified) proposals from the EPS-HEPP Board: Connecting scales: from the infinitely small to the infinitely large or Connecting scales: bridging the infinities or Linking the infinitely large and small It is now on us to decide!
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators EPS-HEPP Board July 24, 2014RECFA DESY7 Following our discussion in RECFA on the evaluation of colleagues in HEP, I brought the discussion to the EPS-HEPP Board. Also EPS-HEPP Board members consider this issue to be a problem! Proposal to write a (short) document containing Suggestions to the HEP community how evaluations should be done e.g. considering Analyses notes, Technical notes, Conference talks; eventually publish title/authors of AN and TN; acknowledge important positions; etc. Explanation to outside HEP how HEP works, and how to evaluate
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators Agenda PECFA November Proposals for talks at PECFA November: (can accommodate approximately 10 talks/reports + standing items) mid-term report Austria LC Physics and Detectors (J. Fuster) Detector R&D Committee Report (Y. Karyotakis) IPPOG (H.P. Beck) Summary 2 nd HL-LHC Workshop MICE(name by K.L.) Accelerator R&D network activities(name by L.R., J.M.) ESS Plank AUGER AWAKE or more general Future Accelerator Concepts July 24, 2014RECFA DESY8
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators RECFA Country Visits in 2015 Czech Republic March 27/28 Portugal May 15/16 Still open: Greece or Sweden July 24, 2014RECFA DESY9
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators PECFA Meetings in 2015 Proposed dates for the Plenary ECFA meetings: 97 th PECFA July in Vienna during EPS conference (July 25) Joint meeting with the EPS HEPP-Board 98 th PECFA November 19/20 at CERN July 24, 2014RECFA DESY10
ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators Call for nominations for the next ECFA chairperson July 24, 2014RECFA DESY11 Period January 2015 – December 2017 Proposed time line: TodayPECFA meeting, call for nomination (through RECFA representatives) Sept. 15Deadline for nomination Ask candidates if they stand and ask for CV and letter (until Oct. 5) Oct. 7Distribute CV and candidate letters to RECFA representatives Discussion and opinion building with home community Nov. 7 Chairperson election at the RECFA meeting Nov. 20/21 Endorsement by PECFA