Thousands ripped off by Bernie Madoff »Many famous people »Losses estimated at $12-20 billion or more »Persuaded by a fraud
We can trust the Lord, 2 Tim. 1:12 »Convicted & assured »Suffer no loss, but great gain »Regardless of circumstances, 2 Tim. 1:8-11; 4:6
The Creator of the universe »All things made by Him, Col. 1:16 »Upholds all things, Heb. 1:1-3
The Son of God »Deity, Jn. 20:28 »Cannot lie, Heb. 6:18
The Conqueror of death & the devil »Death, Acts 2:23, 24; 1 Cor. 15:25, 26 »Devil, Heb. 2:14, 15
I have committed my soul, 1 Pt. 4:19 »My whole being, Mk. 12:29, 30 »Who I am at the core, 2 Cor. 4:16-5:4
Jesus is able to keep it, Rom. 8:31-39 »Hold, protect, defend »None will overpower Him »None will trick Him »Will not give up or grow tired »Will not change His mind
Able to keep what is most valuable, Mk. 8:36, 37 »Valuables put in safe places ∙Money in banks ∙Information in computers – back up ∙Stuff in storage, home, safe
Able to keep what is most valuable, Mk. 8:36, 37 »The Lord keeps my soul ∙I can take it from His keeping ∙I can take my valuables out of the safe ∙Does not keep it against my will
Your soul is more valuable than all the world, Why not commit it to the One Who can safely keep it?
I must commit my soul to Him »Believe & diligently seek, Heb. 11:6 »Sacrifice & suffer, 1 Pt. 4:12-19 »Faithful to point of death, Rev. 2:10
Jesus will keep me until Judgment »Resurrection day, Jn. 5:28, 29 »Separation day, Mt. 25:31-33 »Last day, Jn. 6:39, 40 ∙Whether 1 or 1 million away ∙Whether healthy or sick (Lazarus) ∙Whether alive or dead
Thousands ripped off by Bernie Madoff »Many famous people »Losses estimated at $12-20 billion or more »Persuaded by a fraud
We can trust the Lord, 2 Tim. 1:12 »Convicted & assured »Suffer no loss, but great gain »Regardless of circumstances, 2 Tim. 2:8-11; 4:6