Realising the Potential AREIAC 2014 ‘Things I notice in schools’ Mary Myatt Mary Myat
What difference is this school making to these children? Quality of a school’s self-evaluation Formative as well as summative Why inspect?
Human beings first, professionals second High challenge, low threat Work with people where they are not where we’d like them to be Underlying principles
Achievement Quality of Teaching Behaviour and Safety Leadership and Management Main areas
‘Ofsted’ way Preferred methods Pace Detailed lesson plans Outstanding is a one off event Lesson observations define judgement Some myths
Improving outcomes for vulnerable groups Quality of feedback Provision for the more able Most common areas for improvement
Achievement and provision for more able Only first entry for GCSE will count after this academic year Behaviour for Learning: attitudes to learning and thirst for knowledge and love of learning Funding for PE Teaching styles Volunteering Sixth form and EYFS to have separate judgements Main revisions 2014
Opportunities for RE professionals Pupil premium funding SMSC High level questions Quality feedback
Too many teachers waste time looking for the ‘magic bullet’ Hattie