Theme Five: Evaluating a Program Shen Chen School of Education The University of Newcastle
Review: Four stages of Curriculum Development Curriculum development consists of four main stages: Curriculum Design. Curriculum Implementation. Curriculum Evaluation. Curriculum Innovation. * Is there anything wrong???!!!
Questions: Why do we need to evaluate a language program? What should we evaluate? How should we evaluate?
Purposes of Evaluation: Diagnose source of error Ascertain a point of teaching Identify strengths and weakness Compare objectives and outcomes Innovate the curriculum
Aspects of Evaluation Social needs Individual needs Objectives Teaching content Learning process Materials and activities Assessment tasks Learning outcomes
How to evaluate Self-evaluation Peer-evaluation External evaluation Students evaluation
Workshop: Evaluate the unit plan designed by your peer groups. Make suggestions for improvement. Can you do the assessment task of this course?
Assessment Task: Program design Prepare five detailed lesson plans for a sequence of CSL lessons as a unit suitable for a future class that you wish to teach. Be careful to provide a brief description of the class and classroom and show how you would incorporate motivation, communication, assessment and support for the achieving of your stated outcomes. Due date: to be discussed Value: 1 unit 100%