The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT O4.3 ILT Implementation
O4.3 ILT Implementation
Success Factors Organisational Planning Success factors can be divided into two main categories O4.3 ILT Implementation
Organisational Factors For ILT to work effectively and efficiently, it is critical to debate and resolve some fundamental organisational enablers Roles and responsibilities Cross-college working Project working O4.3 ILT Implementation
Roles and responsibilities Ownership ILT is not an initiative which ‘belongs’ solely to specific members of staff, such as ILT Champions Management All members of the management team have a responsibility to making ILT a success All individuals in an organisation have a role in making ILT happen O4.3 ILT Implementation
Cross-college working To share Practitioners should be encouraged to share their knowledge of IT, share examples of ILT content and share ILT delivery strategies To work together as a collective rather than individuals or individual departments Does college funding methodologies support this? O4.3 ILT Implementation
Project working To collaborate The importance of ILT in an organisation can initially be enhanced if individuals work together in project teams To have an ILT- related project with a sum of money attached and with tangible outcomes and recognition Do college funding methodologies support this? External funding? O4.3 ILT Implementation
Related factors - projects Identifying ILT projects Whenever possible, enable practitioners to identify ILT projects Resourcing ILT projects Costing in staff time, equipment, software, staff development, other Identifying individuals Forming teams/working groups and identifying appropriate team members O4.3 ILT Implementation
Planning factors Set meaningful targets Ensure your ILT/e-learning strategy has clear outcomes and deadlines Define/allocate responsibilities Costing in staff time, equipment, software, staff development Check your capacity to achieve targets Forming teams/working groups and identifying appropriate team members O4.3 ILT Implementation
More planning factors Develop effective processes Establishing systems that facilitate planning and implementation Communication On-going communication with all individuals involved and informing others Evaluation Regular reviews and evaluation O4.3 ILT Implementation
College quality process Programme quality process Lesson quality process Making ILT happen – evaluation circle The learner O4.3 ILT Implementation
Making ILT happen – documents College Programme Lesson The learner Inspection Lesson plan SAR Course review O4.3 ILT Implementation
Making ILT happen – people Quality manager Course team Teacher The learner Inspector O4.3 ILT Implementation
Implementing ILT strategy The overall vision or aim of the strategy A detailed plan for implementing that vision Clear, documented processes to ensure that activities are co-ordinated Commitment to and support for the process at all levels. Appropriate provision of resources Opportunity for experimentation and creativity Time to review and evaluate. The following key factors should be built into any implementation documents: O4.3 ILT Implementation
Next Steps This completes our overview of the factors you will need to take into account when developing your ILT implementation plan. O4.3 ILT Implementation