Classroom Volunteer Opportunities Your most important meeting of the day.
Looking for a way to get involved in your child’s classroom? Be a Junior Achievement Volunteer! It’s FUN! It’s EASY! It’s REWARDING!
Junior Achievement (JA) What? A non-profit youth development organization Why? Our mission is to empower young people to own their economic success. How? Volunteers from the community present JA programs to kids in grades K-12 JA programs promote skills in 3 areas: 1. Work Readiness 2. Entrepreneurship 3. Financial Literacy Character/Ethics EconomicsBusiness Citizenship
What is involved? Each program includes 5 hands-on, FUN activities, minutes each JA Volunteers are provided with: All materials needed Detailed guide with easy-to-follow lesson plans Training on how to implement the program Support & assistance from your child’s teacher
Nervous? Don’t be! You don’t need to be an expert! We provide you with everything you need to be successful! The teacher remains in the classroom to provide support to volunteer and to maintain classroom management You’ll receive ongoing support from JA staff JA is a very FUN and rewarding way to mentor your child and their peers!
How can YOU help? 1. Notify your child’s teacher of your interest in volunteering. 2. Fill out and return the flyer given to you by your child’s teacher. For more information about JA, visit Click here to view a video about JA!here