Peer Teaching Guidelines Romeo and Juliet In-Class Project
Groups Students can choose their own groups. All groups must be between 4-6 people Groups will be assigned a particular Scene from Act III at random by the teacher We will work on this project today and the entire day tomorrow; groups will “peer teach” on Monday.
Scene Lessons Each project must include at least one of the following and last at least 8 minutes: 1.Verbal Lesson (Final lesson plan must be approved by teacher; must include all members) 2.Visual Aide (must be approved by teacher) 3.Student Assignment (must be approved by teacher: note taking, worksheet, quiz, etc.)
Verbal Lesson/Final Lesson Plan Must meet all of the following requirements: – Neatly written or typed – Labeled with all group member names and scene number – Covers the scene and explains lesson in detailed format Lesson plan includes when/how visual aid and student assignment will be used – Includes participation from all group members – Lasts at least 8 minutes – Approved by the teacher at end of class on 02/20/15
Visual Aide Must meet all of the following requirements: – Neatly organized with much effort shown – Labeled with all group member names and scene number – Covers the scene and teaches lesson in detailed format – Created with the help of all group members
Student Assignment Must meet all of the following requirements: – Applicable to the lesson – Covers the scene and teaches lesson in detailed format – If copies are needed, the assignment must be provided to the teacher by 3:15 PM on Friday, 02/20/15. NO ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED AFTER THIS! – Neatly organized with much effort shown – Labeled with all group member names and scene number – Compiled with the help of all group members
In summary… 1.Verbal Lesson/Final Lesson Plan 2.Visual Aide 3.Student Assignment (note taking, worksheet, quiz, etc.) 1-3 MUST BE APPROVED AT END OF CLASS ON 02/20/15
On behavior… All students are expected to be respectful while other groups are peer teaching on Monday, 02/23/15. If you choose to be disruptive during another group’s lesson or if you choose not to complete assignments, 10 points will be deducted from your personal project grade per incident.
Quietly break into groups. We need 5 groups in total per class. (5 scenes) 4-6 students per group. Wait for your group’s scene to be assigned. Begin working (can use technology!).