Objectives Lesson Objective At the end of this session, you will write a performance objective to the instructor’s satisfaction.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Lesson Objective By the end of this session, you will list in progressive order (from lowest to highest) each of Bloom’s Taxonomy (6) levels of learning to 100% accuracy.
Set Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson, you will list 3 elements of a SET and 3 times that a SET could be used. You will also be directed to construct a SET to the satisfaction of the instructor for an objective of your choosing.
Closure Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson, you will demonstrate understanding of the use of closure by: Writing a definition of closure Listing the (4) critical elements of closure Giving (2) examples of eliciting closure
Instructional Aids Lesson Objective You will apply the principles of instructional aids to design and create instructional aids (without the use of power point slides) for your first in-class micro-teaching presentation and successfully present it to the class.
Task Analysis Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will: DEFINE and DESCRIBE THE IMPORTANCE of Task Analysis LIST and EXPLAIN the six (6) STEPS of the Task Analysis PROCESS DEVELOP & WRITE a complete Task Analysis
Active Participation Lesson Objectives At the end of this lesson you will: Define Active Participation Name the two types of Active Participation Indicate the type of Active Participation from a list of examples
Practice Lesson Objectives You will accurately write a list of the (2) kinds of practice and define each. You will write an accurate definition of the (3) M’s to practice theory.
Planning a Lesson Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson you will have reviewed the parts and procedure for developing a lesson plan and be able to create an example of a detailed and complete lesson plan with 100% accuracy.
Motivation Lesson Objective At the end of this session, you will list in writing the (6) variables of motivation and explain each in your own words.
Reinforcement Lesson Objective You will write (2) examples of positive reinforcement and (2) examples of negative reinforcement to the satisfaction of the instructor.
Elements of Instruction Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson, you will list and explain in writing the elements of instruction to the satisfaction of the instructor.
Questioning Techniques Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson the you will list: The purpose of a question Three techniques for posing specific questions to trainees.
Retention Lesson Objective At the end of this lesson, you will accurately state or list: The retention formula The (6) variables of retention Provide a practical classroom example of each
Time on Task Lesson Objective By the end of this session you will design (3) sponge activities, based on the Laws of the Game, to the instructor’s satisfaction. This objective was deliberately placed late in this lesson module in order to have the learning focus on the actual “sponge” activities.
Transfer Lesson Objective You will accurately list and give examples of the (4) factors in a learning situation that promote transfer to the instructor’s satisfaction.
Check for Understanding Lesson Objective At the end of this session you will write out the (3) different types of total group responses used to check for understanding, with an example of each, to the satisfaction of the instructor.
Methods of Explanation Lesson Objective At the end of the lesson you will list (5) methods of explanation and give a soccer-related example using each, to the satisfaction of the instructor