Friday 10 th October
All Year Groups Boys WinnersGirls Winners Bella X-Country A huge well done to all S2 pupils who took part in our annual X-Country morning. It was a great morning with all pupils completing the race and enjoying the “refreshments and entertainment” in the hall at the end.
Clubs Woodwind Group Miss Skingley/ Mr Shaw All Welcome 1pm Music Department
Committees Fairtrade Committee Meeting When: Today Time: pm Where: Mrs Summer’s Maths room. Any new members welcome! Find out more from Mrs Kerr or Mrs Summers. ABC Meeting (Anti Bullying Committee) Today 1.05pm Miss Kennedy’s room. Get involved!
PSHE Talk Well done to all pupils who took part in the workshops on Wednesday. Your behaviour, level of participation and effort in each of the workshops were complimented by the visitors. The feedback from S5/6 has been very positive and most of you have commented on this being the most useful PSHE talk so far. Over the October week, remember Bilal’s message - put your energy, commitment and focus into achieve your potential” A special thank you to the escorts for each group. You did a wonderful job! S5/6 3 – 4pmS5/6MathsN Kerr 3– 4pmS5/6PhysicsJ McGowan Supported Study Supported Study is on tonight Please take advantage of this as it is there to help you improve your results. It is well known that those who attend Supported Study score better in the exams
S4 Supported Study Supported Study is on tonight Please take advantage of this as it is there to help you improve your results – 4.00S4DramaW Barlow Duke of Edinburgh A huge congratulations to the group of Bronze Duke of Edinburgh pupils who have passed their Qualifying Expedition. Pupils are reminded that their evidence for the expedition section must be uploaded to their eDofE account ASAP. All evidence should be submitted to Miss Blanning for approval. Work Experience All tear-off slips must be returned to the office to say you have permission from your parent to attend work experience. Otherwise you will be marked absent on the register. Please return them to Mrs Porter in the office. Thank you.
S2 FESTIVE THEATRE TRIP ‘ Peter Pan ’ King ’ s Theatre Thursday, 18 th December (1pm) Tickets for Bellahouston Academy’s annual pantomime trip will go on sale after the October Holiday. As always the seats are the best in the house. Tickets cost £12 and can be paid for in instalments - £1 being the minimum deposit. Payment can be made to Mrs Wewiorski during Intervals, Lunch times or at the start of Drama lessons. All participants will receive free ice cream at the performance!
S1 Fairtrade meeting New members welcome. 1pm Maths room 8 Mrs Summers FESTIVE THEATRE TRIP ‘ Peter Pan ’ King ’ s Theatre Thursday, 18 th December (1pm) Tickets for Bellahouston Academy’s annual pantomime trip will go on sale after the October Holiday. As always the seats are the best in the house. Tickets cost £12 and can be paid for in instalments - £1 being the minimum deposit. Payment can be made to Mrs Wewiorski during Intervals, Lunch times or at the start of Drama lessons. All participants will receive free ice cream at the performance!
S1 Kelvingrove Pupils should come down to the reception area at the front of the school at the end of Period 1. Pupils will return at 3pm. If you have not brought in your consent form you cannot go on the trip. You also must have your inhaler, if you need one. Friday 10 th October