V Konferencja Ewaluacyjna Warszawa, Peter van der Knaap Ewaluacja w procesie budżetowania zadaniowego – doświadczenia holenderskie
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Evaluations for a cost-effective and responsive government Experiences from The Netherlands Peter van der Knaap, PhD. Director, Netherlands Court of Audit
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Outline 1. Introduction: performance based budgeting and evaluation in The Netherlands 2. Regulations and management 3. Results and challenges 4. Outlook: next steps
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw ,5 million inh. decentralised unitary state State expenditure 272 billion Euro (income: 240) top 10 TI index christian-social democratic coalition old ties with Poland Holland
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw I. Performance based budgetting in The Netherlands 1999: ‘From policy budgetting to policy accountability’ Objectives and indicators plus evaluation Initiative: Parliament!
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
7 Structure of Budgets and Annual Accounts To be answered by Governments’s budget: What do we want to achieve? What will we do to achieve it? What will be the costs? To be answered by Annual Report: Did we achieve what we wanted to achieve? Did we do what we promised to do? Did it cost what we estimated?
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Scores for “Accountability Day”
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Minister Agencies Parliament NCA MAD Auditor IC II. The formal audit and evaluation system - ministers = responsible - 5 year (6, 7…) - ‘adding up’ evaluations: objectives ↑ instruments
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Levels of evaluation Policy auditsMinistries / Ministry of Finance General policy objectives (line items) Policy evaluationsMinistries (Evaluation / Audit department) Operational policy objectives (line item subdivisions) Evaluation of policy instruments Ministries (policy units / agencies) Policy instruments
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Evaluation quality: requirements and management Standards and guidelines: process transparancy and checks Professionalism and education (State Finance Academy) Exchange / Pool / Central Audit Directorate Evaluation of evaluation quality Peer reviews (NCA)
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Results? ☺Political debate, cabinet priorities, media attention ☺Focus in monitoring systems, ex ante and ex post evaluation ! Bureaucracy, data dumping and perception of “audit tower” ! Negative effects: tunnel vision, rigidity, strategies ! No real adding-up evaluations ! Questions concerning quality
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Results? ☺Political debate, cabinet priorities, media attention ☺Focus in monitoring systems, ex ante and ex post evaluation ! Bureaucracy, data dumping and perception of “audit tower” ! Negative effects: tunnel vision, rigidity, strategies ! No real adding-up evaluations ! Questions concerning quality
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Next steps: Quality: indepence and transparancy Reporting Keeping it managable: adding up and sizing down! Responsivenes: citizen centered evaluations “Accountable for learning”
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw
V Evaluation Conference, Warsaw Thank you!