1 Economic Commission for Europe EE21/GEE21 UNECE activities in the field of Energy Efficiency United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 4 June 2009
2 Energy Efficiency 21 EE21 Project Sub-Projects Country-Oriented Project Inter-Divisional Cooperation
3 History Past Projects: Final Report on Energy Efficiency Investment Project Development for Climate Change Mitigation Biomass Energy for Heating and Hot Water Supply in Belarus Green Labels Purchase – making a greener procurement with energy labels Development of Coal Mine Methane Projects in Central and Eastern Europe and CIS
4 The Energy Efficiency 21 Project Region-wide project, launched in 1991 It aims at: – Developing and implementing energy efficiency strategies – Reducing GHG emissions – Enhancing East-West Trade and Cooperation – Meeting international treaty obligations (UNECE Conventions, UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol) EE21 project is an umbrella project under which the inter-regional, sub-regional and country- oriented projects are developed
5 Sub-Regional Projects Financing Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation – Capacity Building – Policy Reforms – Dedicated Investment Fund (one operating, one to be implemented) The Regional Network for Efficient Use of Energy and Water Resources in South-East Europe (RENEUER) Increasing Energy Efficiency for Secure Energy Supplies Development of the Renewable Energy Sector in the Russian Federation and in CIS Countries: Prospects for Interregional Cooperation
6 Country-Oriented Project & Inter-Divisional Cooperation Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvements in the State Sector in Belarus Energy Efficiency in Housing: UNECE Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in Housing Wood Energy: Modern and sustainable heat and power from woody biomass in South- Eastern Europe
7 Global Energy Efficiency 21 Background Objectives – Long-term – Short-term Activities GEE21/UN-Energy Publication
8 GEE21 Background September 2008: Project proposed to UN System Regional Commissions Retreat in Turin and formally adopted September 2008: Extra-budgetary resources provided by the Russian Federation Novermber 2008: Mandate from the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy December 2008: Project announced by UNECE secretariat during the UNFCCC COP-14 in Poznan within a UN-Energy side event December 2008: General Assembly Resolution accords a new regular budget Economic Affairs Officer P-4 post to the project
9 Long-Term objective Develop a more systematic exchange of experience on capacity building, policy reforms and investment project finance among countries of region of the world through their UN Regional Commission in order to promote energy efficient use improvements.
10 Objectives Objective One. Strengthen the participation of the 12 participating countries in the project ‘Financing Energy Efficiency for Climate Change Mitigation’ Objective Two. Disseminate and, if possible, extend the experience of the project in other countries
11 Objectives Objective Three. Increase the capacity of the UN Regional Commissions to provide effective energy efficiency services that promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to member states Objective Four. Improve capacity to develop, adjust and implement a global strategy to promote self-financing energy efficiency improvements for climate change mitigation
12 Short-term activities The Russian Federation has provided extra- budgetary funds for short-term activities related to Objectives Three and Four. Activity 3.1. Establishment of a network of elected officers of intergovernmental bodies working on energy efficiency and climate change and the respective secretariats of the five UN Regional Commission Activity 3.2. Appraisal of the energy efficiency and the climate change work programmes with respect to activities of capacity building, energy policy reform and investment project finance
13 Activity 3.2 Technical Assistance ActivitiesECEESCAPESCWAECAECLAC Objective One: Capacity Building for the Development of Energy Efficiency Investment Projects a.Information campaigns, energy manager briefing sessions a.Training courses financial engineering & business planning a.Business development workshops on project preparation Objective Two: Assistance to Participating Governments with the Introduction of Energy Policy Reforms a.Regional policy analysis of energy policy reforms a.Case studies of energy efficiency policy reforms a.Senior policy maker seminars Objective Three: Financing Bankable Projects to Reduce CO2 Emissions a.Local commercial banks a.International Financial Institutions a.Public Private Partnership (PPP) Dedicated Funds
14 Activity 3.2 Background paper by senior consultant on the main programmes and financing mechanisms implemented in the world “Survey of mechanisms and sources of financing for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy investments for climate change mitigation”
15 Short-term activities Activity 4.1. Determination of common priorities and synergies between the member states and the work programmes they pursue through their UN intergovernmental bodies among the five UN Regional Commissions Activity 4.2. Development of a global strategy for the adoption of UN Regional Commisions’ work programmes to promote self-financing energy efficiency improvements to raise economic productivity, diminish fuel poverty and reduce environmental air pollution as well as greenhouse gas emissions
16 Activity 4.1 On-going information gathering and knowledge sharing is functional to the determination of priorities and synergies: Preliminary research on the energy efficiency situation of each region by respective Commission. Outline of a joint publication in the context of UN-Energy circulated.
17 Outline Publication Energy efficiency programmes, activities and financing mechanisms by region: outline of needs and obstacles. Executive Summary Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Financing Mechanisms Section 3: ECA – Africa Section 4: ECE – Europe Section 5: ECLAC – Latin America & Caribbean Section 6: ESCAP – East Asia & Pacific Section 7: ESCWA – West Asia Section 8: Conclusion & Recommendations
18 Tentative outline for each RC ENERGY SITUATION (demand, supply, production, energy mix, market structure) GENERAL LEGISLATIVE & REGULATORY FRAMEWORK (economic openness and climate for investment). SPECIFIC FRAMEWORK FOR EE (EE legislation, targets, international agreements, institutional decision-makers and their political will WHAT HAS BEEN DONE (existing national and international programmes and their appraisal, taking into account energy situation and legislative framework) WHAT IS NEEDED/RECOMMENDATIONS (identification of specific barriers and how to overcome them; ie: policy reforms, grants, loans, technical advice, financial triggers, etc) The study should hold a comprehensive regional focus or identify macro-areas within a region. It should serve as guideline for implementation of programmes. ADVICE AND COLLABORATION VERY MUCH WELCOME!
19 THANK YOU! Gianluca Sambucini Economic Affairs Officer Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE Palais des Nations, Geneva