What Shapes an Ecosystem? Environmental Interactions
Biotic factors The biological (living) influences on organisms within an ecosystem.
Abiotic factors Physical or non living factors that shape ecosystems.
Habitat That area in which an organism lives.
Niche The full range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives and the way in which it uses those conditions. –A niche is basically an organisms JOB!!
Predation When one organism captures and feeds on another organism.
Symbiosis When two species live closely together. –Example: humans and dogs!!
Types of symbiosis 1111. Mutualism: Both species benefit from the relationship. –E–E–E–Ex: Flowers and bees 2222. Commensalism: One member benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed. –E–E–E–Ex: Barnacles on whales 3333. Parasitism: One organism lives on or inside another organism and harms it. –E–E–E–Ex: Tapeworms in humans intestines
Ecological Succession Predictable changes that occur in an ecosystem over time. –Example: When human clear a forest and put up a shopping mall.
Types of Succession 1. Primary Succession: Succession that occurs where no soil previously existed. –Example: Volcanic rock changes to a tropical island forest over time. 2. Secondary Succession: When a disturbance of some kind changes an existing community without removing the soil. –Example: When a wild fire burs all the forest but leaves the soil.
Pioneer Species The first species to populate an area.