The Whipping Boy From, kalysta, Emily
He is known the Prince Brat, here and there and almost anywhere. Not even black cats would cross his path. The Prince Brat in his kingdom and it is forbidden to spank their throne. So an orphan named Jemmy is plucked from the streets to serve as the Prince Brat’s whipping boy.
Jemmy dreams of running away; the prince has the same idea. Together the two begin an adventure that is to change both their lives forever.
If you want to see or hear what happens next to the whipping boy Jemmy and the Prince Brat then……………… Go get the book and read it and you’ll find out more!!! Right away!
Sid Fleischman books are awesome!!!!! ALSO READ THE BOOK because it is awesome we read it and we know trust us
Kalysta and Emily
Why you should read it!!! You should read the book because it will tell you why you should not blame the punishment on someone else and get them in very big trouble. Also if they do get the punishment then you might not saying you will well you might get revange or you might get told on by a other student. So just remember never ever say the other student did it but you did………. if you did that before that means your kind of not a very nice person………….!!! By, Kalysta Millis and Emily Rogers this is a book the nobody reads so trust us you should read the book and then see the movie k……k thank you