Comprehension Language: Inferring: K-1 Modeled I think the author is really saying…I figured that out by… I think ___, but did the author come out and tell us that? I figured that out by… I can see from the picture… (Good readers can infer, or guess some things that the author doesn’t tell us, using the clues that are given, and filling in the rest themselves.) MET/’08 Shared I think ___. Did the author come out and tell us…Then how did we figure that out? By looking at the picture, what can you add…? (Great thinking! You made an inference based on some of what the author said, and filled in the rest yourself using the clues) Guided Prep: What do you think this book will be about / happen in this story? Prompt: What prediction can you make here, from this picture, etc? Produce: Do you think…(state your inference)? Did the author tell us that or did we just figure it out from the clues? Good job! We just made an inference. I really good guess from the clues from the story. Reflect: Good readers can always make good guesses or inferences from the clues. (Note: not developmentally appropriate to expect inferential thinking in K/1 beyond prediction so conversation is still very scaffolded even in the guided lesson for this strategy. Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers
Modeled It didn’t specifically say but I think… I can see from the picture… I can infer that… (I figured that out by ___. Good readers can infer, or guess some things that the author doesn’t tell us, using the clues that are given, and filling in the rest themselves.) MET/12.08 Shared The author didn’t tell us… but what inferences can you make using some clues from the story and filling in the rest with your own thinking? Who can tell me what they thought the author meant when he said? Who can figure out from the clues, or infer… (Great thinking! What did you use to make your inference?) Guided Prep: Have group make predictions and then tell what what clues they used. Now we will read to see if we were right or if we will change our prediction. Alternate prep: (when ready for inference) Do you remember how readers make inferences? (review) When we are reading today I want you to think about the inferences you can make from the clues. Prompt: Was your prediction right, or did you change your mind as you got more clues? Prompt: What inferences can you make? What clues let you to that inference? Produce: Share inference or where changed prediction. What did you use from the text to help you? What did you use from your prior knowledge? Reflect: How did making inferences help us as we read today? Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers Comprehension Language: Inferring 2-3 Build on Language from K-1
Comprehension Language: Inferring 4-6 Build on Language from 2-3 Modeled *The author didn’t explicitly state ____. But I can infer this by (explain how you put together clues from the text and filled in with background knowledge) (Filling in the gaps the author leaves out helps me understand better what I read.) MET/12.08 Shared What inferences can we draw here? Who can tell me what they thought the author meant when he said…? Who can figure out from the clues, or infer… (Great thinking! What did you use to make your inference?) Guided Prep: Who remembers how a reader makes an inference? (review) I want you to really be thinking about making inferences as we read today. Prompt: What inferences are you making? What clues from the text did you use? What prior knowledge helped you fill in the gap with that inference? Produce: Who can share an inference they were able to make from the text? What helped you make that inference? Reflect: How does it help us as readers to make inferences as we read? Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers