Section 1Background Section 2 Bandwidth Utilization Trend Section 3 Customer Centricity Section 4 Best Value Pricing Section 5 Broadband Service Future Agenda
Background “In a short space of time, high-speed internet (broadband) has become fundamental to modern economies. It has changed the way we access the internet and how we use it. It has made economic activity more efficient and has extended social interaction in previously unforeseeable ways” 2015 Broadband Progress Report – New Broadband Definition
Bandwidth Utilization Trend Internet traffic is growing by about 50%annually with video and music streaming rising fastest. 45% Web, 5% , P2P 25%, Streaming 8%,VOIP 3%,IP VPN 3%, Gaming 2% and other 8%. Internet traffic is growing by about 50%annually with video and music streaming rising fastest. 45% Web, 5% , P2P 25%, Streaming 8%,VOIP 3%,IP VPN 3%, Gaming 2% and other 8%.
PRICE REDUCTION ACROSS BTCL’s Best Value Pricing P8,303.79/ 1Mbps P1,491.61/1Mbps P8,303.79/ 1Mbps P1,491.61/1Mbps P314: 512Kbps P184: 512Kbps P350.00/2.2GB P229.00/2.2GB 82% 41% 23% FUTURE Pricing is designed to capture value of services enabled by BB Provide enhanced value to specific customer needs Enable competitive differentiation based on value Pricing is designed to capture value of services enabled by BB Provide enhanced value to specific customer needs Enable competitive differentiation based on value
BTCL’s Customer Centricity Affordable, Limitless, Dependable, Multi-tasking Broadband Transformation from Product-Centric to Customer-Centric and Creating Competitive Advantage Along the Way
Satellite Broadband Widest Broadband Coverage Wireless and Wired Broadband Mobile Broadband WI-FI Hotspots
Broadband Services Future BTCL looking into partnering with content providers to offer content Video on Demand Services Broadband High Definition TV Botswana Premiership Content BTCL is continuously upgrading its network architectures and capacity of BTCLs networks BTCL looking into partnering with content providers to offer content Video on Demand Services Broadband High Definition TV Botswana Premiership Content BTCL is continuously upgrading its network architectures and capacity of BTCLs networks