Alternative Payee Options for Accounts Payable American Vintage ’52 Telecaster
Available options There are 3 different options for Alternative Payee with various functionalities and setup: 1 - Alternative payee 2 - Alternative payee in document 3 - Permitted payee
Option #1 - Alternative Payee If the Alternative payee is populated in the Vendor master record, all payments to the vendor will be issued to the alternative payee address. It is a one-to-one relationship only. i.e. 20005 Priebe Electronics in Woodinville, WA has an Alternative payee of 40893 in Seattle, WA. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #1 - Alternative Payee Setup for the alternative payee is done in the Vendor Master record. Company code-specific payee has priority!!! So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #1 - Alternative Payee When making a payment (FB60 or MIRO) you will NOT see an alternative payee field. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #1 - Alternative Payee In FBL1N the Payee/er field is NOT populated. Showmaster
Option #2 - Alternative Payee in Document If the Individual spec. field is checked in the vendor master an alternative payee can be manually entered during document entry time. This is a one-to-many relationship. A reason to use this setup would include one-time vendors. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #2 - Alternative Payee in Document Setup for the alternative payee in document is done in the Vendor Master record. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #2 - Alternative Payee in Document When making a payment (FB60 or MIRO) on the Payment tab you will now see a check box field for Individual payee. Once checked an address field appears. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #2 - Alternative Payee in Document To see the Alternative Payee address after posting go to FBL1N, find document, from the menu bar Extras Alternative Payee. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #3 - Permitted Payee If the Permitted payee(s) is populated in the Vendor master record, during the document entry process the allowed payees are listed and the specific payee can be selected. It is a one-to-many relationship only. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #3 - Permitted Payee Setup for the permitted payee is done in the Vendor Master record. Company code-specific payee has priority!!! So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #3 - Permitted Payee When making a payment (FB60) on the Payment tab you do a drop down on the Payee field and you will see the permitted payees already assigned to the vendor. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #3 - Permitted Payee When making a payment (MIRO) on the Payment tab you do a drop down on the Payee field and you will see the permitted payees already assigned to the vendor. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Option #3 - Permitted Payee The Payee/er field in FBL1N is now populated with the appropriate payee. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat
Quick Notes Currently we have 1,069 Alternative Payees (Company Code level) No vendors are setup for Alternative Payee in document. No vendors are setup for Permitted Payee. So-Cal Speed Shop Strat