MG 302: Management Information Systems (MIS) Fall 2014 General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Overview Glen A. Strobach November 17, 2014
What is the intent of GFEBS? Provide a way for Army decision makers to support and sustain the Army warfighting capability Provide accurate and timely analytical data coupled with useful tools to support the Army enterprise as a system Reduce the cost of Army business operations from “cradle to grave” Improve accuracy, accountability, and responsible stewardship of tax payer dollars AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
Who is providing GFEBS to the Army? Preferred Systems Solutions (PSS) based out of Vienna Virginia They won multiple contracts to Design the SAP software to DoD organizations They are charged with fielding, testing, and training Army personnel PSS supports all General Fund accounting for the Army, including General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Funds Management, Cost Management, Financial Reporting, and Property, Plant and Equipment Inventory AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
How can GFEBS offer solutions to current problems Provides a single Army-wide system for complying with statutory/regulatory requirements outlined by Congress, the Chief Financial Officers Council, and the Certified General Fund Finance and Accounting System Meets the Army’s requirements as a decision support tool that enables visibility of the total cost concept in close to “real-time” Applies best practices of a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) product from SAP corporation to the Army as it embraces the enterprise system AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
System Solution Benefits Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Configurable (not custom) software provides cost effectiveness Provides “best practices” inherent in software package Enables system updates and enhancements without re-writing software code Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Integrates and optimizes business processes across the enterprise Includes most business processes for an optimized solution (Army wide fielding) Enables sharing of common data among all business processes SAP’s Product The most widely used ERP solution in the world Customers include Army, DLA, Navy, NASA, IRS, Wal-Mart and Daimler AG Benefits Include -- Complies with over 1,100 accounting and real property requirements Enables transformation to a cost based (competitive) culture instead of value based Organizations wishing to capitalizing on COTS and ERP benefits will require acceptance of new business process changes AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
Who/What does GFEBS apply too? Applies to ALL active Army, ARNG and USAR components Will include 80,000 + end users at more than 200 locations world-wide and will process about in excess of one million transactions a day Replaces over 80 separate (outdated) legacy systems Integrates with other Army Enterprise Resource Planning systems under the Federated Solution Business Model AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
Legacy Process vs GFEBS Process Involved maintaining many systems Required many costly interfaces Required entering data in several systems Inhibited efficient sharing of data Impeded producing comprehensive and accurate decision data Hindered timely responses to time sensitive decision making questions Required time-consuming and costly reconciliations AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
Legacy Process vs GFEBS Process Implements a single web-based system Standardizes processes Army-wide Implements standard data structures Records transactions in real-time and provides real-time access to data Integrates financial and non-financial/ performance data from functional areas Applies commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Applies DOD Standard Financial Information Structure line of accounting and Real Property Inventory Requirements (RPIR) GFEBS AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
How does this help the decision makers? Is funding available to complete our task(s)? What is our current funding status / amount? Prepare a Purchase Requisitions, Approve them, monitor, and track current funding. What is the condition of our buildings? What are the Implications/costs if we move? What is the total cost for the same type of organization over 6 years (historical or projected)? What costs were reimbursed for conducting business? What is the status of the maintenance work order? Do our business processes enable an unqualified audit opinion ? AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
PROVISIONS! Prior to access authorization End Users MUST be trained and obtain both clearance and certifications for User “Roles” and levels assigned GFEBS contains official Army data and requires a legal, ethical, and trusting relationship among all levels All end users must be vetted through proper channels Certified to access official IS technology Certified to view classified data (FOUO and above) Certified to approve/obligate the use of funds Obtain/Maintain security clearance AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
Summary GFEBS is a “New to the Army” system with increased analytic tools and capabilities to assist and support the War Fighter Army Transformation to New business processes Capitalizes on “best practices” embedded in ERP Incorporates industry wide standards and communication in an attempt to limit Army specific terminology Newly defined management structures, logistics, and data concepts adopted across the organization DoD Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) DoD Real Property Inventory Requirements (RPIR) Incorporates Contract Pricing Eliminates redundant data entry through single entry and sharing New User Roles, Skills and Knowledge for end users Opportunity for individuals to develop skills with state-of-the-art ERP system, logistics, and cost management techniques Enables decision makers to quickly identify resources, issue guidance, and field resources Opens hiring options for those in the civilian sector AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach
Credits Preferred Systems Solutions - US Army PEO Enterprise Information Systems - US Army Knowledge Online – US Army GFEBS Login Portal - AC/MG 302: Management Information Systems Glen A. Strobach