NPP High Rate Data (HRD) Broadcast: Preparing for the Future Timothy Trenkle Patrick Coronado October 6, 2005
MSO - 2 Agenda NPP High Rate Data Broadcast (HRD) Overview –Physical Layer Characteristics –Transport Layer Characteristics –Application Layer Characteristics HRD Pre-launch Integration & Test Activities Preparing for NPP HRD
MSO - 3 Agenda NPP High Rate Data Broadcast (HRD) Overview –Physical Layer Characteristics –Transport Layer Characteristics –Application Layer Characteristics HRD Pre-launch Integration & Test Activities Preparing for NPP HRD
MSO - 4 NPP HRD Overview NPP Satellite provides a continuous, real-time, high rate data (HRD) broadcast containing: –Instrument Science Data –Instrument Engineering Data –Instrument Housekeeping Data –Spacecraft Housekeeping Data The HRD broadcast is intended for direct readout users to exploit NPP mission data as a continuation of EOS Terra, Aqua, & Aura mission data and in preparation for NPOESS The HRD broadcast interface is described in three layers –Physical –Transport –Application Investment in direct readout station technology was a driving factor in the development of the NPP HRD broadcast characteristics –Physical and transport layers are similar to EOS and NPOESS NPP HRD is unencrypted and free to access
MSO - 5 NPP Nadir Deck View HRD antenna VIIRS CrIS ATMS OMPS
MSO - 6 NPP HRD Overview – Physical Layer The physical layer describes the RF characteristics of the HRD broadcast and is documented in the NPP Spacecraft HRD Interface Control Document (ICD) to the Direct Broadcast Stations (GSFC , May 10, 2004) –Frequency: MHz +/ MHz (X-Band) –Data Rate: 15 Mbps –Format / Encoding: NRZ-M / Convolutional –Modulation: QPSK (1:1 power ratio) –Antenna: Earth-shaped omni –Polarization: Right hand circular –Margin: > 1.5 dB –Effective bit error rate: 1x10^-8
MSO - 7 NPP HRD Overview – Physical Layer
MSO - 8 NPP HRD Overview – Transport Layer The transport layer describes the transfer protocol characteristics of the HRD broadcast and is documented in the NPP X-Band Data Format ICD (GSFC , August 23, 2004) –Service Protocol: Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Grade 2 telemetry service –Error detection and correction: Reed-Solomon (255, 223, Interleave depth = 4) VCIDVirtual Channel ContentDescription 0Satellite Housekeeping DataSatellite HSK data common to both SMD and HRD 1ATMS RDR Science/Cal/EngATMS mission data common to both SMD and HRD 4ATMS RDR Science/Cal/EngATMS mission data specific to HRD 6CrIS Science/Cal/EngCrIS mission data common to both SMD and HRD 9CrIS Science/Cal/EngCrIS mission data specific to HRD 11OMPS Science/Cal/EngOMPS mission data common to both SMD and HRD 14OMPS Science/Cal/EngOMPS mission data specific to HRD 16VIIRS Science/Cal/EngVIIRS mission data common to both SMD and HRD 19VIIRS Science/Cal/EngVIIRS mission data specific to HRD 63Fill DataFill VCDU to maintain 15-Mbps HRD rate
MSO - 9 NPP HRD Overview – Application Layer The application layer describes the characteristics of each mission data packet type contained in the HRD broadcast and is documented in the NPP Mission Data Format Control Book (GSFC , being baselined) Packet APID RangePacket DecimalHexSource 0 – 520 – 34S/C ATMS OMPS VIIRS ACrIS
MSO - 10 Agenda NPP High Rate Data Broadcast (HRD) Overview –Physical Layer Characteristics –Transport Layer Characteristics –Application Layer Characteristics HRD Pre-launch Integration & Test Activities Preparing for NPP HRD
MSO - 11 SI&T Methodology Overview (cont.) Element Verification Segment Verification Space/Ground System Verification On-Orbit Verification PRE-LAUNCH Conducted by segment supplier Integrated element verification Verify I/Fs between elements (intra-segment) Coordinated by Govt Integrated segments verification System performance & thread testing Verify I/Fs between segments (inter-segment) NPP Compatibility Test (NCTs) Conducted by supplier Integrated component verification Govt acceptance test prior to delivery (opt) Coordinated by Govt/Ops On-orbit verification - Satellite activation (~90 days) - Post-activation verification LAUNCH ON-ORBIT Mission Readiness Verification Coordinated by Govt/Ops Integrated system verification - Operations Readiness (training, procedures, simulations) - Mission Readiness (Operator certification, System I&T activities) - Mission Certification (Ops Readiness Test) - External I/F, end-to-end, performance System Hierarchy NPP System - Segments - Elements - Components System I&T Mission Readiness
MSO - 12 NPP System Level Test Categories Functional Thread Tests (FTTs) – These tests have their origins in the NPP Concept of Operations and may serve as prerequisites to NCTs or may be included in an NCT Interface Confidence Tests (ICTs) – Interface Confidence Tests cross segments, developers, and organizations and focus on functionality, confirming the logical interface and data flows, including the formats in an operational configuration NPP Compatibility Tests (NCTs) – NCTs are tests defined to exercise the flight and ground interactions. Each NCT is comprised of functional thread and interface tests that provide a continuing higher degree of confidence leading up to operational readiness
MSO - 13 NPP System Integration Flow EDU D/I NCT 2ANCT 2BNCT 3 NCT 4 ORT System Tests ATMS CrIS OMPS VIIRS 1394 Satellite C3S IDPS ADS/CLASS EDU Integ FM Integ EDU Integ FM Integ FM Integ BB Integ FM Integ EDU Integ Ship & L NPP Launch TVAC EDU D/I 1.3 FAT1.4 SATD SAT 1.3 Qual 1.3 RFR 1.4 FATNESDIS SAT AFWA SAT Sustainment SDS SD3 I&TSDS SATPEATE Elements Spacecraft BB D/I FPGA Retro EIT2 & Fixes Space Segment Integration NCT 2C
MSO - 14 NPP Compatibility Tests NCTs (Flight/Ground Compatibility) NCT1 - Spacecraft prior to satellite I&T start (December 2004) Command database checkout and simple command and telemetry check NCT2A – ATMS EDU and OMPS Brass Board integrated with Spacecraft (August 2005) All command and telemetry rates verified, SSR exercised NCT2B – ATMS EDU and CrIS EDU integrated with Spacecraft (January 2006) Selected command and telemetry rates, cal table load exercised NCT2C – ATMS FM, CrIS FM, and VIIRS EDU integrated with Spacecraft (July 2006) Execute partial mission data handling propagating data through ground system NCT3 – all 4 flight sensors integrated with Spacecraft (August 2007) Execute nominal mission data handling propagating data through ground system NCT4 – all 4 flight sensors integrated with Spacecraft (January 2008) Execute end-to-end mission data handling throughout the entire flight / ground system with operations staff in place BOLD Text indicates use/participation of HRD
MSO - 15 Agenda NPP High Rate Data Broadcast (HRD) Overview –Physical Layer Characteristics –Transport Layer Characteristics –Application Layer Characteristics HRD Pre-launch Integration & Test Activities Preparing for NPP HRD