Talent Development Program TDP By: Samantha Booker A.C.E. Program Deer Chase Elementary School
Purpose of TDP The goal of the Talent Development Program (TDP) is to assist in the development of critical thinking/higher level thinking skills. Students who have been referred for gifted testing and possess many of the characteristics of the gifted learner, but fail to qualify, will be targeted along with other students who show a readiness for the enrichment that will be provided by the department.
Program Specifics Students will attend gifted classes for one to two hours a week to participate in a curriculum that utilizes thematic units designed to challenge intellectually while providing opportunities to demonstrate creativity. The instructional units will provide exposure to information/activities that address the state’s gifted standards. At no time will students be given work to complete outside of the gifted classroom. The gifted teacher will work with the general education teacher to ensure attendance in the program does not interfere with required classroom assignments and student performance.
TDP Goal O To provide students with enrichment activities and/or learning opportunities that will assist the classroom teacher with the identification of those students who may possess skills and/or characteristics that are indicative of intellectually gifted students. O Increase the number of gifted students in underrepresented schools in the county. O Increase critical thinking/ higher level thinking skills in students.
Implementation Model O Push In/Pull Out: Gifted teachers will spend one to two hours a week working with delivering lessons from the instructional material provided. Students may or may not be removed from core classes depending on the implementation model. The instruction will be aligned with the required grade level standards. O Activities presented will focus on deductive logic, analysis, inventive thinking, creative thinking, evaluation, and visual spatial perception. O The delivering teacher will record anecdotal notes/data on the students’ individual progress.
Assessment Teachers will create a portfolio of participant’s work to include a Cumulative Student Checklist will be use to record students’ progress.
Who Qualifies? Students who… O Average 85 or better in all core classes O Has the potential to work above grade level O Has the ability to be creative or demonstrates creativity. O Needs more rigorous or challenging assignments
How can I help? O Recommend a student who you feel meets most of the qualifications. O Send the student(s) name along with i-ready test data to Mrs. Booker as a grade level. O Deadline: September 18, 2015 Thank you for your time!