THE CURRENT Dominant Southern ocean current Largest ocean current “Mix Master” Keeps warm water out and cold water in
STRUCTURE Subantarctic front Polar front Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF)
TRANSPORT West to East flow Connects three Ocean Basins (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian) ~125 Sv 135 Sv at Drake passage and 147 Sv south of Tasmania Flow is controlled by bottom topography Depths of m (and can be as wide as 2000 km)
MIXING Water, heat, and salt are mixed from the three ocean basins Salinity and temperature decrease as the water crosses the different fronts going more south
DYNAMICS Water parcels drift outward due to Coriolis Northward Ekman transport balanced by southward, pressure driven flow (northward pressure bradient) ~10 cm/s Current driven by strong Westerly winds No land to impede momentum
References antarctic-cp.html antarctic-cp.html xtbook/chapter13/chapter13_04.htm xtbook/chapter13/chapter13_04.htm ks/infohut/acc.htm ks/infohut/acc.htm 100k/docs/Antarctic_Circumpolar_Current.html 100k/docs/Antarctic_Circumpolar_Current.html