Dads Last Basketball Game No author listed: Karee Hashim
The poem Being the shortest in my high school gym class Attempts to play basketball brought no success Broke my finger while trying to catch a pass Leaping to take balls from tall girls? What a mess! Always loved football, baseball and soccer too But in basketball I succumbed to defeat Just couldn’t get into it, that is true Till Dad took me to see the Miami Heat Startled he was, watching me jump up and down Although my enthusiasm was contrived The cheers of other fans my loud voice did drown This was the last time I saw my Dad alive I’m so thankful now that I went to that game Dad was so grateful for these moments we shared When I watch basketball now, it’s not the same It was Dad and not the sport for which I cared
Poem pics
This Poem is a Rhyme
Literal meaning of the poem This poem is about a girls father that dies at a basketball game . The girl in the poem loses his passion for the game after her fathers death
Metaphorical Meaning She cares about her dad more than basketball. Meaning there is more to life than just basketball
Theme Basketball is just a game, there is more to life
List literary devices Rhyme scheme- abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh
Reason I picked this poem I picked this poem because it is sad and about basketball; which is my favorite sport