Earthquake,Explosion, Fire, Destruction: Disaster or Change Opportunity? Case Study Team 5 Cheung, Patti Li, Xin Lin Zi Yu Tsui, Diana Wen, Yi
Mission Statement The Anmai University Library provides value-added services, resources and a creative learning environment to promote innovation, in support of the University’s mission to enhance teaching, learning, research.
Goals To resume library services by collaborating with other local and international libraries and book conservation projects To provide a new library premises with an innovative learning commons in two years To expand electronic access To re-organize the library’s structure, recruit new staff and provide staff development for current staff To become a leading academic library in Vietnam
SWOT Analysis (Strength) Adequate financial resources Library staff are respected by students Good and hardworking library staff An experienced system librarian and a reference librarian for managing a learning commons
SWOT Analysis (Weakness) Physical facilities all destroyed in the earthquake Impending retirements over the next 10 years Not enough electronic resources for teaching and learning
SWOT Analysis (Opportunities) An opened minded and supportive university president The potential demand of services and facilities to be provided to part time students of Sydney Polytechnic Young university teaching staff Financial support from UNESCO to link the campus to the web and to the information resources held by the national library To have a 4% extra allocation for library budget
SWOT Analysis (Threats) Disruption when the new librarian comes to campus The library collection in bad condition A potential demand of more services and facilities to be provided to part time students of Sydney Polytechnic
Services to be offered Electronic reference Interlibrary Loans Digitization of collections Adopt cloud computing – to use WorldCat Local for library catalog Subscribe to Clockss Services related to learning commons
Services to be stopped Reduce subscriptions of printed materials Cataloguing of printed materials
Performance Measurement To conduct a patron satisfaction survey on library services one year after the completion of the new library premises
New Staff to be Hired in 12 Months Professional librarians including Reference, Electronic acquisitions, Interlibrary Loans, Systems, Library administration, Preservation and conservation More clerical staff
Outsource the Project Management Plan Needs assessment Scope definition Outcome expectation Budgeting Tendering
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