Parts of a Map SOL USII.1.G
Why are maps useful? Show people where things are Can include information on population, elevation, resources, etc. They show you how to get to places you want to go.
What is a scale used for? Measures distance between places on a map (in miles) Looks like a ruler Ex. 1 inch = 100 miles
What does the title tell us? Explains the purpose or type of map. “What it is about”
What is the function of the compass rose? Used to find direction on a map
What are the cardinal directions on a map? North (N) South (S) East (E) West (W)
What are the intermediate directions on a map? Northeast (NE) Southeast (SE) Southwest (SW) Northwest (NW)
Compass Rose with cardinal and intermediate directions
What are lines of latitude? Lines that run right to left (east to west 0°-90°) Measured North and South of the Equator (0°) Above equator – North Below equator - South
What are lines of longitude? Lines that run up and down (north to south 0-180°) Measured east and west of the Prime Meridian (0°) Right of PM – East Left of PM - West
What is a symbol on map? A picture on a map representing real objects
What is the function of a map key? Explains symbols or colors used on the map; usually in a box Also known as a Legend
What are the seven continents? North America South America Africa Asia Australia Antarctica Europe Eurasia (Europe and Asia together) 13
What are the 5 Oceans? Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean