09/07/20021Muon Meeting Status of MWPC activities at CERN and PNPI Outline: Module 0 status and plans –M3R1 (CERN) –M3R2 (CERN) –M3R4 (PNPI) Tooling status and plans –Wiring machine –Glueing station –Wire pitch measurement –Wire tension measurement –Soldering station Production areas at CERN and PNPI are in a well advanced state
09/07/20022Muon Meeting M3R1 chamber Status: Design finished (Thomas Schneider) Material preparation (PCBs) ongoing Construction planned for August Testing begin September (?) or October ->Unfortunately chamber is not really a module 0 due to pending problems, in particular on chamber closing. ->As we want to be able to reopen, there is no simple alternative to the O-ring, due to many connectors and the small gaps (otherwise we might have switched already to an alterntive solution... ) -> Chamber will be still made with honeycomb panels (of 10mm total thickness), due to alignment issues to be sorted out, a tight schedule and difficulties to get foam panels done in Italy in August. ->We are considering to put the loading resistors into the gas gap (suggestion of Seva).
09/07/20023Muon Meeting M3R1 chamber
09/07/20024Muon Meeting M3R1 chamber
09/07/20025Muon Meeting M3 R2 and R4 chambers Status M3 R2: Design of M3R2 chamber planned for August Material preparation and construction in September Test in October Status M3 R4 (tbc by Alexei): Design done by A.Saputi / B.Botchine Material preparation done by LNF group Construction planned at CERN in September (Tooling for PNPI -in preparation at CERN- should be used) Test in October ->Schedule for both chambers is tough, we have to push
09/07/20026Muon Meeting Status of Tooling Preparation Wiring machine: Wiring machine for PNPI under construction at CERN (Raphael+PNPI technicians), following closely the design of the CERN wiring machine.
09/07/20027Muon Meeting Wiring Machine (ctd) Modifications: Have both belts on the same side (simpler transmission) Introduce electromagnetic clutch to facilitate start of the wiring process To be decided still: Implement tension measurement? Torque motor has still to be ordered -> Be ready end of August
09/07/20028Muon Meeting Glueing Tables Status: First glueing table has been finalized Need to decide on exact positions of spacers for glueing frames of Module 0
09/07/20029Muon Meeting
09/07/200210Muon Meeting Wire pitch measurement Status: Hardware for first station ready (Michał, Raphael) Software (LabView) well advanced, should be ready this week (Rebeca (SS)).
09/07/200211Muon Meeting Wire tension measurement Acknowledgement: Visit of A. Nedosekin in May was very useful to understand hardware and software of the KLOE/ATLAS WTM-system ! Status: 16-channel system could be purchased via LNF, but contains obsolete components (long delivery time) and it is rather expensive (~10kCHF). We investigated about adaptation of the system to up-to-date hardware (NI-DAQ 6602). ->First tests show that it is feasible (Michał and Anatoli) DAQ-card TTL-disc.LC-generatorHV-modulator HV-PSWire Chamber
09/07/200212Muon Meeting Wire tension measurement Plan: Use 2 NI-DAQ 6602 cards (8 channels each). –1 channel will be pulse generator (to scan frequencies around resonance) –1 channel will be used for gate generation (to define measurement cycle) ->14 channels left for measurement Each DAQ-card will have adapter card with TTL discriminators and switch A mother board with HV-modulator and LC-Generators (from LNF) will be prepared ->Prototypes and schematics done by Anatoli, layout will be done this week by Giacomo Chiodi Use external HV power supply (400 V) -> Software adaptation done by Michał and Rebeca ->6 (14) channel system is hopefully functional by mid August
09/07/200213Muon Meeting Soldering Station Plan: Follow as closely as possible LNF station, and adapt it to the multipurpose scanning table 2 heads are planned for PNPI table, 1 for CERN table (small chambers) ->Setting up planned for September/October