Digital Tools System Review, WinMor, Soundcard Management By James K. Darrow WI ARES/RACES ASEC Digital Communications WI ARES/RACES Conference October 23-24, 2010
Digital Tools System Review
How big is your last mile?
The Internet RMS Node with APRS Digi-peater RMS Node with APRS Digi-peater, and RMS Relay WI ARES/RACES Data Network Everyone can message to everyone, knows what assets are available and where they’re located.
WinLink RMS 36 VHF RMS Packet Nodes MHz 4 UHF RMS Packet Nodes MHz 7 RMS Relay Stations Fox Valley, Milwaukee, Racine Wausau, Pewaukee, Elkhorn, Madison 2 RMS Pactor Stations Milwaukee MHz Fox Valley / MHz 1 D-Star 1.2 GHz High speed data station Milwaukee 1298 GHz
Digital Tools Soundcard Management
RoMac Soundcard Management is a tool developed by Roger MacDonald (W8RJ) which allows you to set up each of your programs that use a sound with its own individual soundcard level, and then launch the program. When you quit the selected program, RoMac will return all the sound card levels back to normal.
Digital Tools WinMor
WINMOR stands for WINlink Message Over Radio and is a new HF radio transmission protocol by Rick Muething, KN6KB, of the Winlink Development Team. Unlike PACTOR, only a simple computer soundcard-to-radio interface is required, and it runs as a "virtual TNC" (the WINMOR TNC application) together with host software. While WINMOR may not equal P2 and P3 in total performance, it provides a cost-effective means of using the system, and is more robust and faster than P1. WINMOR is attractive to EmComm users who have trouble justifying the high cost and low utilization of a P2 and P3 modem.
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