By: Matthew Foley Miguel Nunez
Federal Work Study: Provides part time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money through paid education expenses Non Federal Work Study: Any employment that is not from Federal or State programs is considered "Non- Work Study", and is funded totally through the individual department
Apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and click the option that asks “If the student would like to be considered for Federal Work-Study programs” You are eligible to apply for Non Federal Work-Study as long as you are enrolled in school for one credit and go to your Schools Job board for enlightment
On campus or off campus jobs Emphasize in civic education and work related to your course of study. If you work on campus you’ll usually work for your school. Off-campus employer will usually be a private non-profit organization or a public agency, and the work performed must be in the public interest Ex. Tutoring, lab related, librarian assistant, website maintence, administration, dining hall,
Study award depends on: -When you apply to FAFSA -Your level of financial need -Your school funding level You will be paid at least minimum wage and at least once a month. Cannot work past the work study award. Non Federal work Study is funded by the individual Department and you will get paid by a stipend No Limit to how much you can earn
What is the difference between federal and nonfederal work study? How do you apply for non federal work study?