Iron Ore Holdings Ltd Buckland Project & Northern Quoll: adaptive mine design and management 30 July 2013 0.


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Presentation transcript:

Iron Ore Holdings Ltd Buckland Project & Northern Quoll: adaptive mine design and management 30 July

Purpose and Scope 1  This presentation will discuss:  New information on Northern Quoll distribution and abundance in the Pilbara, particularly the west Hamersley Ranges  A leading example of sympathetic project design and adaptive management that has been recently assessed by DSEWPAC as NCA-PM (Referral 2013/6867)  Scope: 1.Buckland Project overview. 2.Studies completed and key findings. 3.Incorporation of key findings into project design and future management. 4.Ongoing monitoring and adaptive response.

IOH Project Locations 2

Project location 3

Animation 4

Project management responses – Mine design 5

Study effort & results 6  Initial site visit 30 April – 5 May by Phoenix Environmental Sciences to undertake:  Level 1 reconnaissance to confirm desktop searches and habitat mapping  Identify, map and assess habitat for conservation significant species  Northern Quoll not recorded during the survey but considered highly likely to occur  Targeted surveys 5 – 15 June for NQ (and others), involving:  6 sites incorporating at total of 71 large Elliot and cage traps  Camera traps (still & video) deployed at 38 locations, including cage trap sites  NQ recorded at 5 of the 6 trapping sites (captures and/or camera); 2 males captured from 2 sites along a single line; 1 male recaptured 550m distance; high recapture rate  Regional survey August; 12 trap sites in prime denning habitat across all four drainage catchments; additional 16 (baited) camera trap sites; secondary searches  NQ records from 8 of the 12 main trap sites; 2 trap sites recorded 7 individuals; 9 trapped overall (8M, 1F); max recap range 1.95 km; nothing from 16 additional camera traps

Survey results – site map 7 Site 1 (1 st photo) Site 4 (2 nd photo)

Survey results – habitat photos – Site NQS04 8


Survey results – regional map 10

Survey results – habitat photos – Site RNQ11 11

Survey results – habitat photos – Site RNQ12 12

Survey results – Key findings Northern Quoll are well represented across the site and the region generally There is good movement along the habitat corridors, indicating good connectivity throughout the landscape Northern Quoll can be found in a variety of habitats – from degraded to pristine Feral predators (cats and dogs) also recorded during surveys 13 All terrestrial fauna surveys conducted by Phoenix Environmental Sciences

Project management responses – Mine design 14

Development phase 15

Development phase 16

Other design and management responses -Final haul road design yet to be determined in detail but will co-locate linear infrastructure where possible (preliminary route aligns with API rail corridor; North West Coastal Highway; Dampier-Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline) -Co-location of underpasses, where possible -Surplus water management (dewatering) to avoid creation of permanent pools -Ongoing feral animal control and rangeland management opportunities with TO -Management of lighting and off-site access -Progressive backfilling of pits to pre-mining water table -Re-contouring of bunds at closure and rehabilitation of disturbed areas 17

Development phase 18

Next steps - Adaptive management for Northern Quoll POSSIBLE CONTINGENCIES Supplement local populations until closureSafeguard neighbouring populations until closure MANAGEMENT RESPONSES Increase control of feral animals Improve site management (trial new controls) Investigate causes for decline and develop appropriate responses METHOD Monitor utilisation of corridors, surrounding habitat and control sites by NQ and other fauna, including feral animals, using permanent cameras and bait stations MONITORING OBJECTIVE Will local populations become isolated and decline during mining (18-25 years)? 19

Conclusion Concluding remarks: Proven benefits to project approvals timeline by designing projects in sympathy with landscape values & functions and existing disturbances. Use a combination of leading practice and adaptive management principles as a tool for addressing uncertainties (have contingencies on hand). Results of further baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring will benefit the design, management and EIA of future proposals involving potential impacts to Northern Quoll. 20

Questions? 21 Northern Quoll records from July local targeted survey