Course Outline ProceduresGrades Duties & Responsibilities
7 Major Topics of Discussion Understand the following concepts: What is Economics? Why is Economics is an inexact science? What are the economic functions of government? How does illegal immigration influence Economics? Wal-Mart: Is Wal-Mart Good for America? Swoosh: Inside Nike How does oil drive our economic decisions? How does globalization effect the economy? What are the U.S. Trade Policy options? Game simulations: Cartels & Competition; Stock Trading; Labor Market The history of money & credit Financial Literacy including: personal finance, career exploration, resume writing, budgeting
Class Procedures Attendance Notebook & Materials Homework Quizzes Tests Extra Help Actions Grades
9 Attendance Students are expected to be present EVERY CLASS to ensure that they will be prepared. Absences: If you’re absent/late without a note, then you will be marked illegally absent. Lateness: if you are late make sure that you have a pass or you are illegal. Three of these offenses will equal a cut slip
10 Notebook and Materials You must take a minimum of ONE page of notes every class period using the Cornell Note-Taking method. A three ring binder is best, but we are flexible. Remember that there will be handouts, documents, reminders, etc. You must keep everything for the rest of the year. There will be a notebook check every two weeks. The sum total of marking period notebook checks will count as a quiz grade Always have a pen and some loose-leaf paper available and if you bring your own pencil on test days, there will be a reward in it for you. There will be a notebook check every two weeks. The sum total of marking period notebook checks will count as a quiz grade.
12 Homework It will be assigned nearly EVERY DAY whether it is to read, write, review, discussion board, , or something cool that you don’t even know about. LONG STORY SHORT…You never really have the night off, so be prepared to work.
13 Quizzes Be prepared for a quiz EVERY CLASS, when we don’t have a TEST. They will be multiple-choice, vocabulary, true/false, fill- in, short-answer, or on demand tasks (ODT) that will evaluate your understanding of the economic concepts and materials we will be learning.
14 Examinations In addition to chapter exams, you will have One major unit exam for each marking period. They are an evaluation of your knowledge of the unit. Each exam is different but all will contain a combination between multiple choice and short-answer questions. There may be some alternative assessments but you will be informed of any changes.
15 Help! I will be available after school on WEDNESDAY and in the morning or afternoon during the week upon request. You should know the difference between extra help,a mere question, and time wasted. You always must be prepared with a lot of questions in writing!
16 Cell Phones All cell phones should be away, either in your pocket, backpack or pocket book. Backpacks & pocket books should be placed under your desk, whenever possible, or along the hallway wall of the room. Cell phones should not be on your desk or out during class unless directed otherwise. Failure to comply will result in the following: (1 st Offense)Loss of your phone/iPod for the period. (2 nd Offense) Phone/iPod for the Main Office. INTERVENTION (3 rd Offense) INTERVENTION
17 Bathroom Breaks Only one person is to be out of the room at a time. No one will be allowed to go to the bathroom during the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class period. During quizzes/exams, you will NOT be permitted to go to the bathroom until completion of their test.
18 Final Countdown “We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do.” The Great Debaters (movie) - The Great Debaters (movie) DO THE RIGHT THING!
19 Final Grade Point Breakdown It’s Real Simple Exam Average Quiz Average (including notebook quiz) Homework Grade Projects and Presentations Participation Bonus /__________________________________________________________________________ FINAL GRADE SUM TOTAL / 5+ = FINAL GRADE Just in case there’s any confusion, Just in case there’s any confusion, each area is worth 20% of your grade for each marking period, so be mindful of your responsibilities and make intelligent decisions.
20 Participation You Have Total Control on This One! Student input for participation area of final grade You will receive & complete a Self-Evaluation Form at the end of each MP You must provide justification/detailed rationale for your scores in each category in Self-Evaluation Form. Always take ownership in your education, be engaged and proactive in the learning process, get involved, and be careful what you wish for… YOU WILL BE FRESHMAN NEXT YEAR. Enjoy every second you have until then.
21 Final Words “We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do.” - The Great Debaters (movie) “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” - Randy Pausch (Professor/Author ) “Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.” - John Wooden