Welcome to Philosophy in Literature
Say hello to an old friend.
Now, say hello to someone new.
The course is an elective, college-prep, English course
Students can expect Presentations, both prepared and impromptu Writing assignments that develop skills in explaining, analyzing, and commenting on text Discussions that focus on and develop skills in Socratic Questioning
Students can expect College level research, analysis and source documentation Projects that require students to learn more about the way others have answered philosophical questions Teacher, peer and self evaluation of student work
Late Work Late work is not “above average.” So, late work cannot earn higher than a C. In other words, late work is reduced by TWO letter grades. Late work must be turned in no later than one week (to the day) of the original due date.
Not Accepted Late Culminating essays, presentations, quizzes, tests and other assignments given or announced in advance cannot be turned in late. Earlier drafts cannot be turned in after later drafts are due. Work that is preparation for a particular activity, essay, test or project cannot be turned in after that particular activity, essay, test or project
Absences Stay updated through the class website. For full credit, all work due or completed on the day of an excused absence must be submitted before class begins, on the day of return, with an “admission slip.” In the case of an extended absence (more than 1-2 days), contact me via AND stay updated through the class website.
Or--Why I like to teach high school English: 3. Being an English teacher allows me to enjoy these loves, every day. 1. I love reading, writing and discussing ideas. 2. I love being a student. Three Facts about Me
Welcome! I’m glad you are here and I look forward to getting to know all of you this year. Questions, feedback and concerns are always welcome. The best way to reach me is via . My