Nursery Day 2 Language and Communication
Programme Self-evaluation- reviewing the process Promotion of Communication and Language in the Nursery Setting Developing Language Through Music
Aims To continue the process of planning for improvement in keeping with Every School a Good School To consider the role of the adult in promoting language development within the Nursery setting To explore a range of practical strategies to enrich the use and development of language and communication in the Nursery sector
Day 1 Self-evaluation- The Process
Workshop Self Evaluation Process Impact on planning teaching and learning provision
Chief Inspectors Report
Actions required to effect further improvement The quality of the adult interactions with the children to promote language and communications is not good enough In almost one-quarter of nursery units and voluntary/private centres, the promotion of language and communication and the quality of the mathematical experiences have been identified as areas for improvement.
“Recent research is finding increasingly high levels of speech, language and communications impairment amongst young children. ” Ref:
Research About 5-10% of children have a developmental disability that causes a delay in their speech and language development. It is important to keep in mind that language development involves more than just speech, it also includes other forms or communication, such as sign language, writing, and visual skills (pointing, etc.).
Why ? Possible Reasons
Workshop Current Position How do you currently support language development in your setting?
Together Towards Improvement The Process What are our strengths? What is working well? How do we know? Where is the evidence? What next? What action do we need to take to improve our practice?
Language Development Identification Prioritise Action Improvement
Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education “Language development is crucial to living and learning and is concerned with more than the growth of vocabulary. Language is used to communicate with others, to share and express feelings, to give and obtain information, and to understand ideas and develop thoughts.”
Workshop Language is developed when…
Do I create the optimum environment for communication?.
Key Strategies Modelling Commenting Expanding or extending Repeating back Asking open questions Playing with words Turn-taking and waiting time Using verbal prompts and giving choices Using visual prompts and gestures Adjusting your language
‘Types’ of Communicators Early communicator Attentive communicator Developing communicator Questioning communicator Skilled communicator English as an additional language learner Reluctant communicator
Do I have realistic expectations about a child’s abilities? Ages and Stages Workshop
Ages and Stages Language And Communication Developmental Chart
Ideas to develop Develop places for talking-communication friendly spaces Create a treasure basket Develop chatterboxes/packs Walk and talk Table top talking Cooking together Engage parents Photographs
Developing Language Through Music
ETI Feedback
Aims To continue the process of planning for improvement in keeping with Every School a Good School To consider the role of the adult in promoting language development within the Nursery setting To explore a range of practical strategies to enrich the use and development of language and communication in the Nursery sector