Graphs & Matrices Todd Cromedy & Bruce Nicometo March 30, 2004
Graphs Graph Theory provides vocabulary which can be used to label and denote many social structural properties. Graph Theory gives us mathematical operations and ideas with which many of these properties can be quantified and measured (see Freeman 1984; Seidman and Foster 1987b). Graph Theory gives us representation of a social network as a model of a social system consisting of a set of actors and the ties between them.
Graph Types Relational Non-directional (simple to complex) Directed (simple to complex) Signed and Valued Hypergraphs
Model By model we mean a simplified representation of a situation that contains some, but not all, of the elements of the situation it represents (Roberts 1976; Hage and Harary 1983). In this sense, a graph is a model of a social network in the same way that a model train set is a model of a railway system. Graphs have been used in social networks as a means of formally representing social relations and quantifying structural properties
Matrices Matrices are alternative ways to represent and summarize network data. A matrix contains exactly the same information as a graph. A matrix is more useful for computation and computer analysis.
Some Graph Characteristics In a graph of a social network with single nondirectional dichotomous relation, the nodes (n) represent actors, and the lines (L) represent the ties that exist between pairs of actors. The tie is either present of absent between each pair of actors. Nondirectional relations include: Co-memberships in formal and informal groups or orgs Some kinship relations: “is married to” “lives near” Interactions― “works with”
More Characteristics A graph consists of two sets of information : The set of N = {n 1,n 2 … n g }, and The set of L = {l 1, l 2 … l L } between pairs of nodes. There are g nodes and L lines. In a graph each line is an unordered pair of distinct nodes, l k = (n i, n j ).
Example Here we take six nodes to represent six children. A line between two nodes indicates that the children represented by these nodes “live near” each other. For example, Sarah and Allison, live near each other so the line is included in the set of lines. Allison and Elliot do not live near each other, so the line is not in the set of lines.
Actor Lives near n 1 Allison Ross, Sarah n 2 Eliot Drew n 3 Drew Eliot n 4 Keith Ross, Sarah n 5 Ross Allison, Keith, Sarah n 6 Sarah Allison, Keith, Ross n 1 Allison n 2 Drew n 3 Eliot n 6 Sarah n 5 Ross n 4 Keith l2l2 l1l1 l5l5 l4l4 l6l6 l3l3
Line Characteristics Adjacent or Incident Two nodes are adjacent if line l k =(n 1,n 2 ) A node is incident within a line, and the line with the node if the node is one of the unordered pair of nodes defining the line.
Social Networks Social networks can be studied at different levels. Actors Dyads Triad Subgroup Whole Group
Dyads and Triads A dyad, representing a pair of actors and the possible tie between them, is a (node-generated) subgraph consisting of a pair of nodes and the possible line between the nodes. Triadic analysis is also based on subgraphs, where the number of nodes is three. A triad is a subgraph consisting of three nodes and the possible lines among them.
Nodal Degree The degree of a node is the number of lines that are incident with it. Degrees are very easy to compute, and yet can be quite informative in many applications. For example, if we observe children playing together, and represent children by nodes, and instances of pairs of children playing by lines in a graph, then a node with a small degree would indicate a child who played few with others, and a node with a large degree would indicate a child who played with may others.
Nodal Degree d(n 1 ) =2 d(n 2 ) =1 d(n 3 ) =1 d(n 4 ) =2 d(n 5 ) =3 d(n 6 ) =3 n 1 Allison n 2 Drew n 3 Eliot n 6 Sarah n 5 Ross n 4 Keith l2l2 l1l1 l5l5 l4l4 l6l6 l3l3
Other Links Besides ties there are other means to consider the way in which two nodes can be linked by “indirect” routes. Walks- A walk is a sequence of nodes and lines, starting and ending with nodes, in which each node is incident with the lines following and preceding it in the sequence. If a line is included more than once in the walk, it is counted each time it occurs. W=n 1 l 2 n 4 l 3 n 2 l 3 n 4 n1n1 n4n4 n2n2 l2l2 l3l3 The length of a walk is the number of occurrences of lines in it.
Trails- a walk in which all of the lines are distinct, though some nodes may be included more than once. W= n 4 l 3 n 2 l 4 n 3 l 5 n 4 l 2 n 1 n4n4 n2n2 n3n3 l3l3 l4l4 l5l5 n1n1
Paths- a walk in which all nodes and all lines are distinct. W= n 1 l 2 n 4 l 3 n 2 n1n1 l2l2 l3l3 n2n2 For example, a path through a communication network mean no actor is informed more than once. The length of a path is the number of lines in it. n4n4
Walks, Trail, Paths Notice that every path is a trail, and every trail is a walk. So any pair of nodes connected by a path is also connected by a trail and by a walk. Thus, a walk is the most general and a path is the least general kind of “route” through a graph. Since all paths are walks (but without repeating nodes or lines) a path is likely to be shorter compared to a walk or a trail.
Closed Walks, Tours, and Cycles Some walks begin and end at the same node. A walk that begins and ends with the same node is called a closed walk. A cycle is a closed walk of at least three nodes in which all lines are distinct, and all nodes except the beginning and ending node are distinct. Cycles are important in the study of balance and clusterability in signed graphs. A tour is a closed walk in which each line in the graph is used at least once.
Geodesics A shorter path between two nodes is referred to as a geodesic. The geodesic distance or simply the distance between two nodes is defined as the length of a geodesic between them. The distance between two nodes is the length of any shortest path between them.
Connectivity of Graphs The connectivity of a graph is a function of whether a graph remains connected when nodes and/or lines are deleted. Two components of connectivity are cutpoints and bridges.
Cutpoints A node, is a cutpoint if the number of components in the graph contains less than the number of components in the subgraph. In a communication network, an actor who is a cutpoint is critical, in the sense that if that actor is removed from the network, the remaining network has two subsets of actors, between whom no communication can travel. The concept of a cutpoint can be extended from a single node to a set of nodes necessary to keep the graph connected.
Cutpoints Bridges are notion analogous to that of cutpoint exists for lines. A bridge is a line that is critical to the connectedness of the graph. A bridge is a line such that the graph containing the line has fewer components than the subgraph that is obtained after the line is removed.
n1n1 n2n2 n3n3 n4n4 n5n5 n7n7 n6n6 Example of a cutpoint in a graph
n2n2 n3n3 n4n4 n5n5 n7n7 n6n6
Directed Graphs A relation is directional if the ties are oriented from one actor to another. The import/export of goods between nations is an example of a directional relation. Choices of friendships are another example of a directional relation.
Directed Graphs A directional relation can be represented by a directed graph, or a diagraph for short. A diagraph consists of a set of nodes & a set of arcs, representing directed ties between actors. The differences between a graph and a directed graph is that in a directed graph the direction of the lines are specified.
l1l1 l2l2 l3l3 l5l5 l4l4 l8l8 l6l6 l7l7 n1n1 n2n2 n3n3 n4n4 n5n5 n6n6 ARCS Ties between actors
Signed Graphs Occasionally relations are measured in which the ties can be interpreted as being either positive or negative (valence), in affect, evaluation, or meaning. For example, one might measure the relations “loves” and “hates” among the people in a group, or the relations “is allied with” and “is at war with” among countries.
Hypergraphs Some social network applications consider ties among subsets of actors in a network, such as the tie among people who belong to the same club or civic organization. Such networks called affiliation networks, or membership networks require considering subsets of nodes in a graph, where these subsets can be any size.
Hypergraphs A hypergraph, rather than a graph, is the appropriate representation for affiliation network data. A hypergraph consists of a set of objects and a collection of subsets of objects, in which each object belongs to at least one subset, and no subset is empty.
a2a2 a1a1 a3a3 a4a4 hypergraph
Hypergraph Hypergraphs are more general than graphs. A graph is a special case of a hypergraph in which the number of points in each edge is exactly equal to two. Any graph can be represented as a hypergraph, by letting the nodes in the graph be the points in the hypergraph, and letting each line in the graph be an edge in the hypergraph. Each edge thus contains exactly two points.
The information in a graph may also be expressed in a matrix form There are two type of matrices especially useful. Sociomatrix (X) or adjacency matrix Incidence (I) matrix
Matrix Characteristics Sociomatrix Size = g x g There is a row and a column for each node The entries record which pairs of nodes are adjacent Incidence Size = g x L Nodes index rows Lines index columns
Sociomatrix (X) X n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n 5 n 6 n n n n n n
n 1 Allison n 2 Drew n 3 Eliot n 6 Sarah n 5 Ross n 4 Keith l2l2 l1l1 l5l5 l4l4 l6l6 l3l3
Incidence Matrix (I) Il1l2l3l4l5l6n n n n n n Il1l2l3l4l5l6n n n n n n
Directed Matrix X n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n 5 n 6 n n n n n n
l1l1 l2l2 l3l3 l5l5 l4l4 l8l8 l6l6 l7l7 n1n1 n2n2 n3n3 n4n4 n5n5 n6n6 ARCS Ties between actors