“Ko Te Reo Te Mauri o te Mana Māori E” AKORANGA 5 – SESSION 5 Ngati Wai Te Reo Maori Classes
Te Akoranga Tuarima – Session 5 Resources required: laptop, cartridge paper, vivids, pepehā mark sheets, dictionaries, portfolio heading pages Whakatau: Kaiwhakahaere Karakia timatanga Himene Mihi poto - waiata Mihi tautoko – waiata Roll call
Te Akoranga Tuarima – Session 5 What did we do last session? Used and remembered 10 kupu hou/new words Discussed the appropriate ways to deliver a pepehā Practiced saying our pepehā to one of our class members and received feedback on how to improve Completed a self-evaluation form to think about how you could improve your pepehā delivery Used: Tēnā koe, tēnā kourua/kōrua and tēnā koutou We are learning to: Remember how to use tēnā koe, tēnā kourua/kōrua and tēnā koutou Use tēnā koe with people who have senior roles/our tuakana Deliver our Pepehā, with confidence to our whānau Use TE, HE & NGĀ NEXT SESSION Use TĒNEI, TĒNĀ & TĒRĀ
Homework check Additional homework – posted on Facebook Use tēnā koe, tēnā kourua and/or tēnā koutou PRACTICE: The pronunciation, memorization and delivery of your Pepehā 1. Find 10 words that relate to the moana – other than the common kaimoana kupu that most people should know. Mahi Kainga – Home Work from last session
On a blank sheet of A4 1. Noun = 2. Verb = 3. Adjective = 4. Glamorous = 5. Illustrious = 6. Solid = 7. Peaceful = 8. Steadfast = 9. Big = 10. Majestic = 11. Tall = Whakamātautau poto
Evidential Reo Portfolios Add marked whakamātautau poto to portfolio Hand out Heading pages– for language portfolios
Hei mahi 1/Activity 1: Hei mahi 2/Activity 2 Review your notes about tēnā koe ( 5 minutes) Use tēnā koe with everybody in your group ( 5 minutes) Use the rules of tēnā koe with the cartoon characters: Reviewing the use of Tēnā koe/kourua/kōrua/koutou
Use Tēnā koe with the following people Ko Tamati toku ingoaKo Matiu toku ingoa Greeting People in Te Reo Māori
Use Tēnā koe with the following people Ko Te Atawhai toku ingoa Ko Jane toku ingoa Greeting People in Te Reo Māori
Use Tēnā koe with Aunties and Nannies Use Tēnā koe with Uncles and Pappas RULE You still use the same rule for putting the ‘e’ in front of the name but you add ‘e te whaea’ as well. E.G. Tēnā koe e te whaea e Mere Ko Mere toku ingoa RULE You still use the same rule for putting the ‘e’ in front of the name but you add ‘e te matua’ as well. E.G. Tēnā koe e te matua e Pere Ko Pere toku ingoa Greeting People with Senior Rank in Te Reo Māori Copy the following into your 1B5 Books
Use Tēnā koe with Nannies Use Tēnā koe with Pappas Ko Moana toku ingoaKo Te Haupeke toku ingoa Greeting People with Senior Rank in Te Reo Māori Kōrero first/Tuhituhi second
Use Tēnā koe with Aunties Use Tēnā koe with Uncles Ko Lynda toku ingoaKo Matiu toku ingoa Greeting People with Senior Rank in Te Reo Māori Kōrero first/Tuhituhi second
Prepping for the start of your Pepehā Write your name on a piece of A4 paper. Put a line through your name to show each of the syllables. EG. – Na/ta/sha Lyn/da Ha/pe/ta At the start of your Pepehā hold your paper up and say: Tēnā koutou katoa and we will greet you using Tēnā koe Preparing for Your Pepehā
Practice Practice – To help you Go over your pepehā as an individual for (5 minutes) Practice reciting your pepehā – saying it to the people in your small group (standing up) Memorise – use your paper only if you really need to Clear voice – make sure we can hear you clearly and that your Māori pronunciation is good. Good stance – make sure you are standing in a way that shows you are proud of your heritage Reciting Your Pepehā
Assessment Stand in front of the laptop so we can video your assessment for evidence to add to your portfolio Hold up your name card and say… Tēnā koutou katoa and we will greet you using Tēnā koe Each person will say your pepehā to the whānau and be assessed by the kaiako. It’s all good remember! We are all whānau and we’re all here to support each other! Pepehā Assessment
Green Light – Easy as Rama kakariki Orange Light – So so Rama arani/karaka Red Light – Need some awhi but will get there! Rama whero How Did You Feel about That?
Write the following words into your kupu hou books Tonight we are going to focus on kupu ingoa/nouns Kupu tūāhua Kupu mahi Kupu ingoa/naming words… In your groups, on yur sheet of paper write down as many naming words as you can that relate to the moana. Write them in Māori and English (dictionaries) As a class – decide on the top 15 most frequently used words from your list Taha moana – vocab/kupu ingoa (nouns)
Disappearing Vocab Chant Type/Write up the 15 words – do the vocab chant Copy kupu ingoa/nouns/naming words into kupu hou books
Copy the Following rules into your book: Te = the (singular) e.g. Te kūtai = The mussel Ngā = the (plural/more than 1) e.g. Ngā kūtai = The mussels He = A (singular) e.g. He kūtai = A mussel He = Some (plural/more than 1) e.g. He kūtai = Some mussels The Te, He, Ngā - Rules
Whiteboard Activity Use nouns vocab list to create Hei mahi Te – He - Ngā
Ka kite atu tātou i a tātou hei terā wiki See you all next week Mahi Kainga/Homework – practice and memorize your 15 new words – Get a whānau member to test you. a)Knowing the Pākeha word and the Māori word b)Knowing how to spell the Māori word inc. macrons