Bill Cumpston WELCOME
ManagementJason LawrieProject Manager Fleet Management Website DevelopmentDavid BighamBooking Client Credit Card Processing Michael (Mikey) PlavinsServer, database and dispatching Jarrad KeatleyVehicle software SupportSteve Nyveld Triet Truong (arriving for dinner) Jane Rees New ZealandNigel KinniburghPre/Post sales support SMARTMOVE STAFF
NZTCMark Bramston(Aerial, Canberra) Greg BurchardManager, NZTC Garry HodgesPalmerston North NZTC FleetsWilliam YounadimKiwi Cabs (Wellington) Muneer Oraha Angela + Josh ReevesEnergy City (New Plymouth) Piri Tomlins½ Price Cabs (Napier) Alex ReidParaparaumu Taxis Alan Briant Grant ScannellQueenstown Arnold GarchowTimaru Taxis Brian Christian Murray Hines NEW ZEALAND FLEETS
Other NZJim McWilliamsTaxis United (Auckland) Tony Minto Mike CoxWaiheke NEW ZEALAND FLEETS
NSW Country Taxi Call CentreNoel DohertyLyn Bunbury Call CentreSue DaveyBob Ahmad Adni Hobart call centreRoger Burdon Sam Grundy GeraldtonJacqui Aarts TamworthSusan Mackenzie Peter Taree ForsterPeter and Cheryl Williamson LauncestonTony Dilger Neil Fawcett AUSTRALIAN FLEETS
InvercargillKeith Henderson (Manager) + directors NapierJohn Hart Blue BubbleBob Wilkinson OTHER GUESTS
Session 1Welcome SmartMove DirectionsBill 2The day Christchurch StoppedBob Wilkinson Morning Tea 3Changes to the Booking ClientDavid 4SmartVoix as a ServiceNigel Lunch 5StatisticsMikey 6(New) Vehicle FeaturesSteve Afternoon Tea 8The proper use of DocketKillerBill Dinner (7pm) PROGRAM for THURSDAY
Session 1Various Booking MethodsTriet 2Proposed SmartHail ChangesBill Credit Card ProcessingDavid Morning Tea 3Quality AssuranceSteve 4Tailoring and Tuning SmartMoveMikey Lunch 5Some Useful TricksNigel 6Disaster RecoveryJason 7ConclusionBill Afternoon Tea 8General Q&A SessionAll PROGRAM for FRIDAY
HISTORICAL REVIEW Acquired Technology TrackPod (NZ)+ PDA TrackPod + Screen Jbox + WaveOn Ucast Digitax
Based on mobile phone technology Out of car Hosted servers Integrated docket handling (Docket Killer) User-configurable zones Integrated blacklists Address qualifiers Much more control to drivers Recordings linked to bookings (SmartVoix) INNOVATION
Full feature set Fully supported Evolving system Reliability BUSINESS MODEL BUT IS THIS WHAT PEOPLE WANT? Offer levels of functionality at different prices Different levels of support Choice of equipment
Choose between Digitax or Android tablet or phone CHOICE OF EQUIPMENT
Car dispatching Resubmit Apps LEVELS of FUNCTIONALITY SILVE R GOLDPLATINUM Android Digitax Support only Zone base dispatching Shift reports Phone interface Blacklists Requirements Reports Phone (office hours) Docket Killer Hosted phone system State-based reports Phone (24X7)
Remove indexation in contracts Fixed price schedule Discount for larger fleets (starts at 20 cars) Will apply to new contracts Offered to existing customers Most fleets will get a reduction PRICING
Address qualifiers Driver app Credit card processing SmartVOIX as a service Navigation New Zealand logbook Improved statistics in cars NEW FEATURES