Chapter 3: Interlanguage Second Language Acquisition SLA1 此簡報可能會牽涉到聽眾的討論 活動,也就是所謂的執行項目。 因此在進行簡報時﹐可充份利用 PowerPoint 來記錄這些執行項 目: 於投影片放映狀態按下滑鼠右鍵 選取〔會議記錄簿〕 選取〔執行項目〕 標籤 將出現的意見都記錄於此 按下〔確定〕以結束此對話方塊 在簡報進行到最後時 ﹐ PowerPoint 將會自動的建立一 個執行項目投影片﹐並將你所記 錄的內容顯示在該投影片上
2015/12/9SLA2 Interlanguage (Selinker, 1972) Definition Internal system that a learner has constructed at a single point in time (I.e. an interlanguage) Learners’ developing second language knowledge
Interlanguage 2015/12/9SLA3
2015/12/9SLA4 key questions What is the nature of the interlanguage continuum? What processes are responsible for interlanguage construction? What explanation is there for the fact that most learners do not achieve full target language competence?
2015/12/9SLA5 What is the nature of the interlanguage continuum/system? systematic rapid change, consists of a series of overlapping grammars complexification
2015/12/9SLA6 What process are responsible for interlanguage construction? language transfer transfer of training strategies of L2 learning strategies of L2 communication overgeneralization
2015/12/9SLA7 Language transfer Characteristics of L1 Example: *I very much like this book. …..
2015/12/9SLA8 Transfer of training Features created by the teacher or textbook lead to acquisition with a non-native result Example: Overemphasis of English progressive form *I am admiring you.
2015/12/9SLA9 Overgeneralization Apply a linguistic rule to all kinds of context Example: Past tense –ed I walked to school. *I goed to school.
2015/12/9SLA10 Strategies of L2 learning Learners’ attempt to commit aspects of L2 to memory Example: Rote learning
2015/12/9SLA11 Strategies of communication Communication strategies are used when L2 learners have difficulty expressing their meaning in L2 Example: Avoidance
2015/12/9SLA12 Interlanguage-revisited System Interlanguage rule 1 Interlanguage rule 2 Interlanguage rule 3 Interlanguage rule 4 Interlanguage rule 5 … …. Process Language transfer from L1 Transfer of training Overgeneralization of perceived L2 pattern Strategies of communication Strategies of L2 learning Output of interlangua ge system Actual production and reception
2015/12/9SLA13 What explanation is there for the fact that most learners do not achieve full L2 competence? fossilization
2015/12/9SLA14 fossilization Interlanguage patterns which seems not change, even after extended exposure to or instruction in L2 Example: -s addition when the subject is 3 rd person and singular
2015/12/9SLA15 A computational model Input ‘black box’ Intake L2 knowledge output
2015/12/9SLA16 Exercise It is said that L2 learner can achieve a native- like proficiency, but never a full L2 proficiency. What explanations are there for the fact? Give two theories and examples to support your arguments.