What is a Participle? It’s a verbal adjective: an hybrid of verb and adjective. English has 2 participles (present and past) while Latin has 3 (present, past and future)
English vs. Latin EnglishLatin It is easy to recognize because of the –ing of the verb It has 3 functions: 1)As progressive form: ex. Theseus is entering the Labirynth 2)As adjective of a noun or pronoun: ex. Theseus was an inspiring hero 3)An adjective introducing a participial phrase. Ex.Theseus, seeing the Minotaur, was not afraid (the entire phrase killing the Montaur works as adjective that modifies Theseus ) It is formed with the present stem of the verb + -ns (Nom sing), -ntis (gen sing). It is an adjective of the III declension declined in all cases singular and plural. Being an adjective must agree in case gender and number with the noun that modifies. It has two functions (vd English #2 and #3). Ex #2. Theseus erat heros inspirans (Theseus is the noun modified, heros is the predicate masc. Nom. singular and inspirans is adjective masc. Nom. Sing.) #3 Theseus (subject Nom sing masc) Minotaurum videns (same as subject +followed by Direct Object) non timebat
Dominus servum vinum bibentem vidit the master saw the slave drinking the wine
Dominus servum vino capto vidit the master saw the slave having been taken/after he took / the wine
dominus servum vinum capturum vidit the master saw the slave about to take the wine
ANALYSIS Sextum arborem ascendentem desilire iussi (iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum): What ‘s the subject?__________________ What’s the infinitive?_________________ What’s the direct object?______________ What’s the participle?_________________ What tense is the verb?________________ What is the participial phrase?___________ What word does the participle modify?_________________________________ ___