Lisa was born April 6, Her Nicknames were Froggy,Thumper, LYIB, Snowplow and Nasty Weiner dog. She Lived in Moose jaw and know is living in Saskatoon.
Lisa was a Mechanical Engineer but she also competed/competes in the Paralympics.
Lisa Franks used to live in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan but moved to Saskatoon.
Lisa Franks was notable when she won six gold medals in the Paralympics in 2002.
From the time she was in grade eight to know she turned a negative thing into a positive and when she was nineteen she won 5 gold medals. Know she is twenty eight and does public speaking to kids.
Lisa became notable when she competed in the Paralympics and won six gold medals.
Ray is about sixty years old and his wife’s name is Sandy. They live in Moose Jaw and they have two children, Patti and Ryan.
Ray Boughen had many jobs and these are only a few. He was a member of parliament, he worked 35 years in the Saskatchewan’s Education system. He was the Principal of Peacock Collegiate Institute.
Ray Boughen lives in good ol’ Moose Jaw Saskatchewan.
Ray Boughen achieved notable status in 2001.
He is a notable person because He was a great Mp and did so many other things to make Moose Jaw a better place.
He was the Mp and He also was the Speaker of the house at one time.
Art died at age 97, He was born 1912and he was a TV host and the best part was he was from Moose Jaw!
He lived in good ol’ Moose Jaw Saskatchewan! (y)
Art was a TV host! (y) One of the shows he did was House Party.
Art became a notable person in 1954.
Art is a notable person because he had 2 TV shows and was the host.
He was a TV show host.