1 NCEA Level 1 - Visual Arts 2007 – AS90020 Examples of Candidate Work
2 Achieved
4 Achievement low This folio submission is at the low end of Achievement. The work (particularly on panel 1) shows inconsistent control of media and techniques and the recording of information from subject matter is just sufficient for level 6 of the curriculum. Ideas and conventions from established practice are evident in the production of the student’s own work (lower panel 1 and panel 2). The repetition of imagery (bird) however, does limit the development of ideas. Overall this submission shows sufficient evidence of BP 1 & 2 to meet the national standard, L1 NCEA Visual Art.
8 Achievement middle This folio submission is at the middle of Achievement (solid). There is evidence of a competent use of a range of media and the ability to record information and develop ideas from subject matter is consistent for level 6 of the curriculum. The ideas developed, read clearly from left to right and references from established practice show development and some extension in the student’s own work. To achieve at Merit this student would need to show more purpose in their decision-making and show a more consistent approach to the control of media and recording from subject matter.
12 Achievement high This folio submission is at the higher end of Achievement. The evidence of some purpose in decision-making, and the development of a range of ideas and conventions from established practice (at least 4 artistic references) have been rewarded. The student’s ability to record information and use a range of media, however, lacks some consistency. With a greater control of media and a more consistent approach to recording information from subject matter throughout the development of ideas, this submission could easily shift to Merit.
15 Merit
17 Achievement with Merit low This folio submission is at the low end of Merit. There is sufficient evidence of purposeful decision-making through the combination and juxtaposition of subject matter as seen in the still life works at the bottom of panel 1 and the development of ideas in new works at the top of panel 2. There is however, a formulaic nature in the handling of the hills and the pukeko. Media and techniques are sufficiently controlled and the development of ideas from established practice, show a degree of purpose. To achieve at a higher level this submission would need to show a greater facility in media use and recording, clarification and integration of ideas by extending artistic conventions further on the second panel.
21 Achievement with Merit middle This folio submission is a good example of a middle Merit (solid) folio. A range of media and the recording of still life objects in space is consistently well considered and controlled. Decision-making and developing ideas in a particular genre are purposeful and systematic. There is evidence of some clarification of ideas and techniques from established practice. To achieve at Excellence the student would need to show a more consistent facility in recording, and demonstrate integration of ideas in their own work on the second panel.
25 Achievement with Merit high This folio submission is at the high end of Merit and shows evidence of consistent control of a range of media over both panels. There are some instances where recording information from the kiwiana objects is problematic, particularly in the generation of ideas on the first panel. Nevertheless, there is evidence that the recording of information improves considerably over the lower half of the first panel and into the second panel. Decision-making and developing ideas from the subject matter are considered and purposeful. The student shows understanding of the use of conventions from established practice and demonstrates development and clarification of these ideas in their own work. To reach Excellence further resolve and integration should be evident.
28 Excellence
30 Achievement with Excellence low This folio submission is at the lower end of Excellence. The recording of the land and use of Maori legend is effectively depicted through the combination and systematic linking of a variety of artistic conventional references. There are minor lapses in the student’s ability to record accurately e.g. the hills and portrait features on the first panel. The control of a range of media and techniques is sufficiently fluent and decision-making is purposeful. There is a depth and breadth of ideas both from subject matter and established practice which are developed, resolved and integrated in the student’s own work.
34 Achievement with Excellence This folio submission sits securely in the Excellence range and shows a high level of decision-making in analysing and evaluating ideas from established practice throughout both panels of the folio. Using the genre of pop culture to link and integrate other artistic references, the development, clarification and integration of ideas demonstrate sophisticated and creative thinking. There is a clear understanding of appropriate contemporary practice (e.g. appropriated images) and techniques (e.g. stencilling) and this is used very successfully in the development of the student’s own work. A high level of recording and control with facility of a range of media is evident throughout the folio.