THE COLD WAR Two Superpowers Face Off
Yalta Conference
Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt meet in February 1945 Agree to divide up Germany Germany must pay compensation to Soviets Stalin promises free elections in Eastern Europe
The United Nations
International organization intended to protect members against aggression. Based in New York City General Assembly: 50 nations in today Security Council: Five permanent members are U.S., Russia, Great Britain, China, and France
Soviets Control Eastern Europe Major goal to shield itself from invasion Saw Eastern Europe as a “buffer zone” Communist governments installed by the Soviets Iron Curtain
U.S. Counters Soviet Expansion Containment - prevent the expansion of communism Truman Doctrine - support given to countries that rejected communism Marshall Plan - aid given to any European country that needed it
Germany Divided East controlled by the Soviets: communist government West given its freedom by the Allies powers: democratic government
Germany Divided City of Berlin also was divided Soviets blockaded city in 1948, hoping allies would surrender control U.S. airlifted supplies into the city for 11 months
Cold War State of diplomatic hostility between superpowers Much of the world allied with one or the other
Rival Alliances Berlin blockade heightened fears of Soviet aggression in Europe. NATO is created. It is a defense alliance of 10 European nations, Canada and the U.S.
Rival Alliances In response to NATO, the Soviets created the Warsaw Pact. Members included Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania
Nuclear Threat 1949: Soviets explode an A-bomb November, 1952, U.S. explodes an H-bomb. Soviets explode one the next year Both sides produce large stockpiles of nukes
Cold War in the Skies August 1957, Soviets announce the first ICBM October 4, 1957, Sputnik launched. It is the first man-made satellite U.S. begins pours money into education Especially math, science and foreign languages