Cold War America Ch 13.3
Thursday, May 10, 2012 Daily goal: Understand how the fear of Communism changed American Society.
Loyalty Review Program Fear of communist infiltration in the gov’t lead Truman to start a program to screen all federal employees.
House Un-American Activities Committee J. Edgar Hoover created HUAC to investigate suspected Communists in America.
Alger Hiss was investigated by HUAC and was the first major gov’t official found guilty of perjury and suspected a Communist. Confirmed American’s fears of Communist subversion in the gov’t.
The Rosenbergs Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of selling secrets of the Atomic bomb to the Soviets. The Rosenbergs were sentenced to death with little evidence and became an example of the anti-communist frenzy.
McCarthyism Senator Joseph McCarthy began a witch hunt and accused people in the gov’t of being Communists. His tactic of damaging reputations with vague and unfounded charges became know as McCarthyism.
Think About it… How do you think Americans felt when they learned the Soviet Union had develop their own Atomic Bomb?
Duck and Cover Students were taught to “Duck and cover” in the event of a Nuclear blast. The deadly radiation left over after a Nuclear blast was called fallout. Americans were taught to hide in Fallout Shelters to escape nuclear fallout.