8 th 3-1 The southern colonies Virginia was the first English's colony and Jamestown was the first permanent settlement. They were funded by a joint stock company called the London company Due to disease from mosquitoes as well as not having colonists skilled in farming or carpentry two thirds of the original colonists in Jamestown would die.
Jamestown In more settlers would arrive in Jamestown there would be a very harsh winter called the starving times and in 1610 there would only be 60 colonists alive. John Rolfe would introduce tobacco which would save Jamestown.
Jamestown War between Jamestown and the Powhatan began when colonists killed a Powhatan leader the London company could not protect the colonists so Jamestown became a royal colony.
Life in Virginia In Virginia most people lived on scattered farms Tobacco was so valuable it was used as money Large tobacco farms were called plantations
Life in Virginia Colonists who paid their way to Virginia would receive 50 acres of land and an extra 50 acres for every additional person brought from England.
Virginia Colonists in Virginia suffered very high death rates. At first the majority of workers in Virginia were indentured servants. Over time the demand for workers grew greater and the cost of slaves fell these two things caused the primary workforce to change to slaves.
BACON!!!!!!! Nathaniel Bacon would lead a group of former indentured servants who thought that they should be able to take the Native Americans land and opposed the new taxes on Jamestown. The rebellion Would be successful but Bacon would die of fever and the rebellion would end.
Religious freedom Many English Catholics would migrate to the Americas to escape religious persecution from the Anglicans they would ally themselves with Catholic countries such as France and Spain.
Maryland Maryland was established to be a refuge for Catholics from England. Maryland was a proprietary colony which means that the colonies owners controlled the government. Protestants would move into Maryland and the toleration act of 1649 would be established to ease tensions between Protestants and Catholics.
The Carolinas Carolina was originally a single colony but it was hard to govern because settlements were so far apart it was split up into North and South Carolina. South Carolina would be poorly governed and eventually the English crown would purchase both North and South Carolina and make them royal colonies.
Georgia Georgia was created as a Shield to protect against Spanish Florida. Oglethorpe wanted the new colony to be a place were debtors could start a new life. Oglethorpe tried to make slavery illegal in Georgia however this made the colonists unhappy and the British government would eventually make Georgia a royal colony.
Economics of the South The economic system of the South depended on agriculture. The colonies had many small farms and some large plantations. The colonies would eventually rely on African slaves to harvest their cash crops
6 th 7-3 Muslim empires Abu Bakr would be the leader of Islam after Mohammed and would make Arabia a unified Muslim state. The Arabs would defeat the Persian and Byzantine empires because they were weak from many years of fighting.
Growth of the Empire Many early caliph's came from the Umayyad family they would take over Central Asia, northern India, and parts of North Africa and convert the native population of the Berbers they also gain control of trade in the Mediterranean.
Growth of an empire The Arabs and Berbers would invade Spain and conquer it and Muslims known as the Moors would rule it for over 700 years. A new Islamic Dynasty called the Abbasids would replace the Umayyad family
Trade helps Islam spread Trade would help the Muslim religion spread throughout both Africa and Asia it also brought them into contact with new military technologies such as gunpowder.
Tolerance Non-Muslims were allowed to practice their own faith but they were not allowed to convert people and they had to pay a special tax.
The Ottoman Empire In 1453 Mehmed II would conquer Constantinople with the use of cannons and he would make it his capital city. The Ottoman Empire would last until the early 1800s
The Safavid Empire The Safavid Empire would come into conflict with the Ottoman Empire over an age-old dispute of Sunnis versus Shia. Shia believe that only Muhammad descendants can become caliph's Sunnis do not think caliph’s have to be related to Muhammad The Ottomans were Sunni and the Safavid's were Shia
The Mughal Empire Existed in India The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his wife The Mughal Empire would be overthrown when they abandoned their policy of tolerance and tried to forcibly convert the Hindu population.
6 th 4-1 Culture Some cultural traits can be shared with people all around the world and others can be shared with just small groups of people. Anthropology study what it means to be human this can include things such as language, customs, and social values Anthropologists study culture as it is today Archaeologists study cultures of the past
Development of culture Cultural traits are often learned by being passed down from one generation to another Most cultural traits develop within families Cultures can develop as people learn new cultural traits Both history and the environment affect how cultures develop
Cultural groups Some of the things cultural groups can be based on are age, language, and religion. A country can have a single cultural region or multiple cultural regions. Although different ethnic and cultural groups can learn from one another they can sometimes clash violently with one another.
Changes in culture Culture change constantly sometimes rapidly and sometimes slowly New ideas, new technologies, and contact with other cultures can all cause cultures to change. Migration, trade, and increased communication all help cultures to spread Today the Internet allows cultures to easily spread from one area of the world to another