A CURRENT PERSPECTIVE ON ESCALATING COSTS FOR NEW ORLEANS BUSINESSES POST-KATRINA June 2008 Prepared by John A. Williams, Ph.D. Director, The Lester E. Kabacoff School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Administration
The research results for this study were obtained from the New Orleans membership of the Louisiana Restaurant Association, the Greater New Orleans Hotel & Lodging Association, and the Professional Innkeepers Association of New Orleans.
Cost Increases Post-Katrina for Bed & Breakfast Establishments Specific costAverage % increase Food20.9 Insurance Labor34.5 Water18.6 Gas37.7 Electric46.5
Cost Increases Post-Katrina for Restaurant Establishments Specific costAverage % increase Food18.3 Alcoholic beverages28.3 Insurance 94.7 Labor30.7 Water36.6 Gas30.4 Electric30.8
Cost Increases Post-Katrina for Hotel Properties Specific costAverage % increase Food18.1 Alcoholic beverages12.9 Insurance Labor24.6 Water19.0 Gas32.5 Electric25.5