Options after 2013 Making better use of European resources for Territorial and Rural Development LEADER France General Assembly 8 June 2011, Strasbourg.


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Presentation transcript:

Options after 2013 Making better use of European resources for Territorial and Rural Development LEADER France General Assembly 8 June 2011, Strasbourg Dr. Pal Hajas,Director, LAG Cserhatalja, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council, Elected Vice President of CEE-LEADER LEADER: Directions and Timetable

EU Planning process incl. CAP debate for 2020 had begun in 2009 –2009: Brussels – Stockholm – Budapest – Santiago… –2010 July: CAP post 2013 – Brussels, –2010 November: Paris –2011: LAG Forums in Brussels, Budapest, Bad Schandau, Stramberk etc. –2011: Strasbourg, France, Sastamala, Finland –2011: Hungarian and Polish EU Presidency! (strong rural focus) –2012: Danish and Ciprus EU Presidency? (what do we expect?)

LEADER: Directions and Timetable ?? Do we need… Integrated Rural Development? Closer linkage for rural and territorial development? Better use of EU Funds? Are we ready to work in close cooperation with other EU Funds? Regional Social Employment

LEADER: Directions and Timetable YES! We need more: Common initiatives and projects at sub- regional level We have to strengthen sub-regional cooperation for –Smart –Sustainable & –Inclusive growth!

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – Shared strategic framework and management of different EU funds (ESF, ERDF, EFF, EAFRD) at Commission and Member States level including strategic framework and guidelines for sub-regional and local development

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – More guidance to EU Member States for effective implementation of LEADER. Member States will have to choose eligible areas. There should be (will be?) a lead fund for every LAG.

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – Requirement for LAGs and Programme Administration to show consideration for all eight LEADER specificities: 1.Decentralised decision making 2.Area-based approach 3.Bottom-up approach 4.Partnership approach 5.Innovation 6.Multi-sectoral integration 7.Networking 8.Trans-national coopeartion

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – More flexibility and orientation towards innovation and local governance. 5. Increased operational freedom for LAGs

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – More funds for animation and capacity building 7. Strengthening trans-national cooperation accross Europe via reinforced networking tools at EU and Member States level

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – Strengthening of rural- urban links

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 EC call: LEADER for everyone! April 2011: EC President, DG Agri, DG Mare, DG Regio, DG Employment discussed the need for better coordination and synergies of different EU Funds

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 The DGs have identified the bottom- up LEADER approach as the common platform for local development The vision: In the future every LAG area would have just one single development strategy

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 Elements from: Rural, Fisheries, Regional (semi- urban and urban) and employment policy based on rural needs. Implementation and funding: Would be flexibly organized between the different funds (EFARD, EFF, ERDF, ESF) as well as the national managing authorities.

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation: Same guidelines for all funds ? Changing LAG formation concept?: Lead Applicant or Administrative LAG ? One „lead fund” covering the running cost and defined on the basis of the strategy contents and volumes ?

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 Risks are around! Remember: 2007 – major delays and discouraging 3% sanction rules! We have to avoid: Buerocratic overdose! Dropping of LEADER funds! We have to make change: In the very sector-minded national authorities!

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 First legal framework for will be published in Autumn National operational programmes should be ready by

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Future of LEADER: 2014 – 2020 In ELARD: we support the new spirit and overall bottom-up LEADER approach in the Integrated Rural and Territorial Development!

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – 2020 Joint efforts are needed! Continued more dialogues with other Fund Administrators Rural Dev and LEADER stakeholders should unite to express vital support to these initiatives –At Member states level –At Comission and EP legislative process level

LEADER: Directions and Timetable Key proposals for 2014 – 2020 Please consider expressing support at –National level (e.g. LEADER France) –Regional (CEE-LEADER) –European (ELARD) Networks as important mechanisms to assess situations and convey opinion to decision makers at Member States and EU level Please note, the debate is still ongoing! LEADER must prove its suitability for the integrated Rural Development

LEADER: Directions and Timetable THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Mr Petri Rinne Tel Contact: ELARD HQs, Brussels: Dr. Pal Hajas Tel: See more in Google: A LEADER Dissemination Guide Book